A large contingent of Fredonia students helped the community Sunday morning by walking through downtown cleaning up and sprucing up following a busy spring weekend.
About 60 people from three Greek organizations - Delta Chi (ΔΧ), Kappa Sigma (ΚΣ), Sigma Phi Epsilon (ΣΦΕ) - gathered at the gazebo around 11 a.m. All three groups cleaned up Canadaway Street, then separated into different groups which were assigned different streets.
We had a lot of people tell us how happy they were with us cleaning and how considerate it was,” said Christian Lozach, president of Delta Chi and event organizer. “They mentioned how great it was to see students coming out early on a Sunday to help out the community. People were beeping their horns, giving thumbs up. One person was so happy that she wanted a picture of everyone.”
All three groups involved felt it was the right thing to do for the residents who live on those streets. “We felt as if it was just and right to clean up the community,” said Kappa Sigma President John Ruggiero. “We know how much some people work to make sure that the weekend was safe and we feel truly honored to assist them in any way we can.”
The three Greek organizations working together was not by chance. The groups are part of the Inter-Fraternal Council, which is a committee currently consisting of the fraternity presidents. It is utilized to increase unity among the fraternities and to be more effective when assisting the various different organizations, communities and philanthropies they deal with. The IFC looks to have many more events like this in the future and semesters to come.
“I feel this shows how much the students care about this village,” Mr. Lozach said. “We were honored and eager to get out there and help our community. We received a ton of positive feedback, including from students interested in a similar event if opened to everyone. We care for the well-being of the village and will enthusiastically help in any way they can.”