“Mis-Allegiance” by Melanie Walker
“Mis-Allegiance” by Melanie Walker
Melanie Walker, a practicing artist for over 30 years, will give a lecture as part of the Department of Visual Arts and New Media’s Visiting Artist Program on Thursday, Sept. 27, at 8:30 p.m. in McEwen Hall Room 209.
The lecture is free and members of the campus and community are invited to attend.
Ms. Walker’s expertise is in the area of alternative photographic processes, digital and mixed media as well as large scale photographic installations and more recently, public art. She earned her bachelor’s degree in Art from San Francisco State University, and an M.F.A. from Florida State University. Ms. Walker has received a National Endowment for the Arts Visual Arts Fellowship, Colorado Council on the Arts Fellowship and an Aaron Siskind Award.
She currently teaches in the Media Arts Area at the University of Colorado Boulder.
For more information, go to https://events.fredonia.edu/event/visiting_artist_program_lecture_melan…