The SUNY Fredonia Wind Ensemble will give its final performance of the academic year on Wednesday, April 30 at 8 p.m. in King Concert Hall. The event is free and open to the public.
The concert will feature a diverse program of works under the direction of Dr. Paula Holcomb, including John Adams', "Short Ride on a Fast Machine;" "Good Soldier Schweik," by Robert Kurka; "Integrales" by EdgardVarese, and "Sinfonia No. 3, Tumbao" by Roberto Sierra.
"These amazing musicians will take you from minimalism to Puerto Rico," commented Dr. Holcomb, "so come prepared for a fantastic ride!"
One of the major ensembles of the School of Music, the Wind Ensemble recently completed a four-day tour of New York with visits to eight high schools throughout the state. The 44-member group performed with and for high school wind, brass and percussion students, representing a wonderful learning opportunity for high school and college students alike.
For a complete list of upcoming events, visit www.fredonia.edu/music.