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Discrimination Complaint Procedure for Students

A student who participates in dispute resolution has the right to do so without fear of retaliation. It will be made clear that retaliation against a student or a witness who has filed a discrimination complaint will result in appropriate sanctions or other disciplinary action as covered by collective bargaining agreements, and/or applicable University policies.

To submit a Bias, Discrimination, or Title IX report, or if you are a mandated reporter, please use this secure form:

Submit a Bias, Discrimination, or Title IX Report

If a student wishes to file an informal or formal complaint with the Affirmative Action Officer/Title IX Coordinator using the SUNY Charge of Discrimination form, they must do so within 180 calendar days following the alleged discriminatory act(s) or 90 calendar days after a final grade is received, for the semester during which the discriminatory act(s) occurred, if that date is later. Although neither informal nor formal complaints may be made anonymously, the University ensures the privacy of all parties involved.

If a complainant elects to have the matter dealt with in an informal manner, the Affirmative Action Officer/Title IX Coordinator will attempt to reasonably resolve the problem to the mutual satisfaction of the parties. The complainant and the respondent will receive notification of the agreed-upon resolution.

If a formal complaint is filed, the Affirmative Action Officer/Title IX Coordinator forwards the complaint to the Chairperson of the University's Affirmative Action Committee. The Chairperson of the Committee refers the complaint to a three-person panel, which reviews all relevant information. The Chairperson of the Panel submits a summary of its findings and the Panel's recommendation(s) for further action to the President. The President then issues a written statement indicating what action they proposes to take. For students, the President may determine that sufficient information exists to refer the matter to the Office of Student Conduct or other appropriate disciplinary panel for review and appropriate action under the appropriate student conduct code.

For a full description of the process, please see the SUNY Complaint Procedure for the Review of Allegations of Unlawful Discrimination.

Title IX and Advocacy

  • Kristen J. Helling 2121 Fenton Hall State University of New York at Fredonia Fredonia, NY 14063