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Rebekah Gerace, a student in the Photography BFA program, discusses why she enjoys getting involved with clubs
Rebekah Gerace, a student in the Photography BFA program, discusses why she enjoys getting involved with clubs

  • April 22, 2024


  • Hall Council
  • Video Game Orchestra
  • Residence Hall Association

Favorite Spot on Campus: The space between Mason Hall and McEwen café is one of my favorite places on campus because it doesn't get a lot of traffic and is the perfect place to get out, relax, and enjoy the weather. 

I've met a lot of people in clubs and organizations whom I wouldn't know otherwise. It's really cool to meet people who are so encouraging for you to try new things. You never know what opportunities you might bump into or who you might connect with.

– Rebekah Gerace

Success Stories

Will Wickett

  • B.S. Business Admin: Management

Annie Leue

  • Visual Arts & New Media (Graphic Design)

Erica Wrobel

  • B.S. Communication: Video Production