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The Psychology, B.A., degree provides students with a basic knowledge of a broad range of psychological concepts and theories, and an understanding of the methods used by psychologists in the study of human behavior; to contribute to the building of an integrated liberal education, designed to equip the student for postgraduate employment or further specialized education; and to demonstrate the relevance of psychological analysis to current social problems and provide students with the knowledge to better understand themselves and others. Many of our majors continue in graduate school in fields of study including school psychology, social work, counselor education, cognitive psychology, counseling psychology, and law. 

The State University of New York at Fredonia is committed to doing our part to provide transfer students a clear path to graduation. This four-year degree plan is a sample map for fulfilling requirements at your Community College and Fredonia. The pathway that you take to your degree may differ somewhat from this illustration, depending on where you start and the decisions you make along the way. Equivalent transfer courses are listed on the map with additional transfer notes provided at the end. Visit our Transfer Credit Equivalency page for additional transfer course information. For complete information about this degree program, please consult the Fredonia University catalog at Information regarding completion of an AA/AS degree should be directed to your Community College.

Sample Degree Plan

First Year - MCC

Fall Semester

Course MCC Fredonia Equivalent Credits
ENG 101 or 200 ENGL 100 Craft of Writing 3
PSY 101 PSY 129 Foundations of Psychology 3
SUNY Gen Ed Fredonia Foundations 3
Elective Minor Course or Fredonia Foundations 3
Hlth/Wellness HLTH Elective - see courses below 3

Spring Semester

Course MCC Fredonia Equivalent Credits
MTH 162 PSY 200 Statistics for Psychology 3
PSY 108 PSY 1TR 100 Level Elective 3
PSY 201/202/212 EDU 225 Child Dev/EDU 224 Adol Dev/PSY 289 Dev Psych 3
SUNY Gen Ed Nat Sci Fredonia Foundations Natural Sci 3
SOC 101 SOC 116 Intro Sociology 3

Second Year - MCC

Fall Semester

Course MCC Fredonia Equivalent Credits
PSY 205 PSY 345 Social Psychology 3
PSY 206 PSY 356 Psychological Disorders 3
SUNY Gen Ed Fredonia Foundations 3
SUNY Gen Ed Fredonia Foundations 3
Elective Course in Minor Discipline 3

Spring Semester

Course MCC Fredonia Equivalent Credits
PSY 220 PSY 315 Research Methods 3
SUNY Gen Ed Fredonia Foundations 3
PSY Elective PSY Elective 3
Elective Course in Minor Discipline 3
Elective Elective (Non PSY) 3

Third Year - Fredonia

Fall Semester

Course Title Credits
PSY Elective Cognitive Content Course 3
PSY Elective Upper Level PSY Course 3
Elective Elective (Non PSY) 3
Minor Course Course in Minor Discipline (Upper Level) 3
Elective Elective (Non PSY Upper Level) 3

Spring Semester

Course Fredonia Fredonia Equivalent Credits
PSY Elective Psychophysiology Content Area 3
PSY Elective Clinical and Counseling Content Area 3
Minor Course Course in Minor Discipline (Upper Level) 3
Elective Elective (Non PSY) 3
MATH Elective Math Elective 3

Fourth Year - Fredonia

Fall Semester

Course Title Credits
PSY Elective Theoretical Thinking Capstone 3
PSY Elective Internship or Mentored Research 3
PSY Elective Upper Level PSY Elective 3
Elective Elective (Non PSY) 3
Elective Elective (Non PSY Upper Level) 3

Spring Semester

Course Title Credits
PSY Elective Internship or Mentored Research 3
PSY Elective Upper Level PSY Course 3
Elective Elective (Non PSY Upper Level) 3
Elective Elective (Non PSY) 3
Minor Course Course in Minor Discipline 3


Students must complete at least 23 credit hours in Psychology at Fredonia 
*Minimum 2.0 cumulative quality point average in all Psychology courses
*Students must complete one three-four credit Math course in addition to MAT 162=PSY 200 
*Students must complete a minor in a field other that Psychology. Student should strive to complete 9 credits towards their minor at MCC. 

*Heath course equivalencies: HED 116 (HLTH 1TR),  HED 115 (HLTH 1TR),  HED 130 (HLTH 215), HED 207 (HLTH 2TR), HED 209 (HLTH 343), HED 210 (HLTH 386), HED 212 (HLTH 2TR), HEG 215 (HLTH 2TR ) 
PEC 250 (HLTH 217)

A full list of approved minors is available in the college catalog. 
*Students interested in the Psychology B.S Degree will need to select one of the following tracks and may take courses at MCC:
1. Biology Track: BIO 155 (BIOL 133/134), 156 (BIOL 131/132), CHE 151 (CHEM 115/125)
2. Chemistry Track: CHE 151 (CHEM 115/125), 152 (CHEM 116/126) and an additional biology elective
3. Data Science Track: CSC 101 (CSIT 121), MTH 260 (STAT 350)   

*Pathway is based on Monroe CC Psychology, A. S. degree; Reviewed 2/2025

This Sample Transfer Path is based on the requirements published in the University Catalog.

Transfer Policy:
SUNY General Education/Fredonia Foundations: Students who earned an AA/AS SUNY Degree in 2015 or later, or completed the SUNY Gen Ed requirement prior to transferring, will have satisfied Fredonia Foundations, our local general education requirement. Students who earned any other SUNY Degree may need to complete additional Fredonia Foundation courses at Fredonia. Such students should consult with their current advisor regarding the SUNY Gen Ed requirement and applicable courses. All SUNY General Education courses will be verified by the General Education Transcript Addendum, GETA, which is sent with the SUNY transcript.

Transfer Credit Policy:
Please refer to our Transfer Credit Policy in the College Catalog for current information.

About This Program

Psychology, B.A. Program

Psychology Department

  • W357 Thompson Hall State University of New York at Fredonia Fredonia, NY 14063

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