Since 1917, EAPs have provided support and assistance to employees with work performance problems that result from some type of personal problem.
R.M. Macy and Company, and the Northern State Power Company were the first to recognize the need and to establish EAPs mainly because of the high rate of alcoholism among their white-collar workers in the 1940s.
Gradually, EAPs evolved and began treating mental, emotional, and financial difficulties as well as those problems caused by alcohol and drug use.
Today's programs are broad and cover almost any employee problem.
Organizational Chart
NYS Contacts
New York State Employee Assistance Program
Main Office
Agency Building 2, 11th Floor, Empire State Plaza
Albany, NY 12223
(518) 486-9769 or (800) 822-0244
Western NY Region Office
Electric Tower Building
535 Washington St., Suite 306
Buffalo, NY 14203