When can I change health insurance plans?
Generally, the option/transfer period is November to December with the change of insurance effective in January. Civil Service will mail you option transfer information. Notices will be published on the HRNEWS listserv. View employee benefits on the Civil Service web site.
You can also change your health insurance plan if you move out of the service area of your current plan.
Contact Human Resources at 716-673-3434 or email human.resources@fredonia.edu to obtain the required forms and for additional information.
When can I change my health coverage level (i.e., individual to family, waived to covered)?
Immediate changes in the level of your health insurance coverage can be made with a valid qualifying event. Life changes such as marriage, the birth of a child, or a dependent child graduating, or reaching the maximum age of coverage, are examples of valid qualifying events. Changes from waived to covered or from individual to family can be made without a qualifying event, but the late enrollment waiting period would apply before benefits would begin. Please visit the Civil Service web site or contact Human Resources at 716-673-3434 or email human.resources@fredonia.edu if you have any questions or need additional information.
I was just married, divorced, or had a baby . . . what forms do I need to complete?
If you wish to change your coverage by adding or removing a dependent, you will need the Health Insurance Transaction Form (PS-404). You may also need information on union benefits, beneficiary forms, and other items as well as documentation requirements. Please contact Human Resources at 716-673-3434 or email human.resources@fredonia.edu for details.
If you want to change your deductions, contact Payroll Services at 716-673-3775 to complete new tax forms.
I just moved. Are there any forms I need to complete?
Yes. An address change form should be printed from the Human Resources Benefit web site and submitted to Human Resources. Once completed and processed by Human Resources, the form will update your records. You will need to contact your retirement, supplemental retirement provider, and union separately.
My employment is terminating. My dependent is losing eligibility. Can health insurance be continued?
Yes, through COBRA, a Federal continuation of benefits program. The procedures to apply for coverage can be provided to you by Employee Benefits. If you or a dependent (child, spouse) loses eligibility, you (or they) must write Employee Benefits Division in Albany within 60 days of coverage termination. The address is: State of New York, Department of Civil Service Employee Benefits Division, Empire State Plaza, Albany, NY 12239. You can call them at 1-800-833-4344 with questions.
Who is eligible to use GHI Dental and Davis Vision?
PBANYS, M/C, PEF and Graduate Assistants:
Who are the UUP Dental and Vision Carriers?
Delta Dental
Davis Vision
My purse or wallet was stolen. What should I to do?
If you are enrolled in an HMO, call your health plan's member services and request another card. Enrollees of the Empire Plan need to contact Human Resources at 716-673-3434 or email human.resources@fredonia.edu.
I participate with an HMO Plan and would like to change my primary physician. What do I need to do?
Contact your health plan's member services.
I was just hired and have not received any information about my benefits?
Schedule a Benefits consultation through Human Resources at 716-673-3434 or email human.resources@fredonia.edu.
Are my dependents eligible for tuition assistance?
Some Unions provide scholarships to dependent children. Contact your Union for information regarding available scholarships.
Can I continue my health insurance into retirement?
To learn about health insurance continuation in retirement, please schedule an appointment with the Assistant Director of HR by contacting Human Resources at 716-673-3434 or email human.resources@fredonia.edu.
How many times a year can I change my Tax-Deferred Annuity/403(b) contribution level?
There is no limit to the number of annual changes to your Tax-Deferred Annuity/403(b). Contact Human Resources at 716-673-3434 or email human.resources@fredonia.edu for additional information. Look under Retirement on our benefits web page to print the required forms.
How do I change the beneficiary designation on my retirement plan(s)?
It is a good idea to periodically review the beneficiary designations on your retirement plans and life insurance policies to take into account any life changes you may have experienced (birth of child, death of parent, divorce, etc.). This way you can be secure in the knowledge that your wishes will be carried out, in the event that anything should ever happen to you. If you need to change your beneficiary designation, please contact Human Resources at 716-673-3434 or email human.resources@fredonia.edu.
Can I put money aside on a pre-tax basis to pay for dependent, elder, or health care expenses?
The Dependent Care Advantage Account (DCAA) is a flexible spending account program governed by the regulations of the Internal Revenue Service. The program provides State employees with the opportunity to pay for childcare, elder care, or other dependent care expenses on a pre-tax basis. Participation in this program allows employees to set aside up to $5,000 annually in pre-tax salary to pay for their dependent care expenses. Some employees are eligible for up to an $800 employer contribution. Some employees who participate in the DCAA Account save more than $1,500 annually on their dependent care expenses!
The Health Care Spending Account (HCSA) is another type of flexible spending account program that allows eligible State employees to set aside from $150 to $2,500 annually in pre-tax salary to pay for health-related expenses that are not reimbursed by health insurance. Medically necessary medical, dental, prescription, vision and hearing expenses for enrollees and their dependents are eligible for reimbursement. At this time, the benefit is available to MC, UUP, PEF, and CSEA represented employees.
The open enrollment period for these plans is usually in the fall. New employees hired after the open enrollment period can enroll within 60 days of hire. Participants who are currently in the DCAA or HCSA must re-enroll each year if they wish to continue their benefits. If you need additional information, or wish to obtain an enrollment kit, please call 1-800-358-7202, or visit http://www.flexspend.ny.gov/.
If you have any other questions or need further assistance, please contact Human Resources at 716-673-3434 or email human.resources@fredonia.edu.
How can I determine my renewal/non-renewal notification date?
Part-time Term Employee:
A part-time term employee will receive notice no later than 45 days prior to term expiration date.
Full-time Employee - First Year
A full-time employee will receive notice three months prior to the end of a term expiring at the end of an appointee's first year of uninterrupted service, but not later than March 1 for terms ending in June, July, or August
Full-time Employee - After First Year But Not More than Two Years:
A full-time employee will receive notice six months prior to the end of a term expiring after the completion of one, but not more than two years of an appointee's uninterrupted service, but not later than December 15 for terms ending in June, July, or August
Full-time Employee - After Two Years:
A full-time employee will receive notice twelve months prior to the expiration of a term after two or more years of uninterrupted service.
(For all Part-time and Full-time employees, See Article XI, Title D of the Policies for additional information.)
What criteria are professional employees evaluated on?
Among the factors considered will be: effectiveness in performance, mastery of specialization, professional ability, effectiveness in University service, and continuing growth. (See Article XII, Title B & C of the Policies for additional information.)
How do I initiate a position reclassification?
Contact the Director of Human Resources at 716-673-3434 or email human.resources@fredonia.edu to discuss the process. You must complete a position description and provide a current organization chart so that a position analysis may be conducted. Supervisory input and support are also required.
When are classified evaluations due?
Effective 2011 - Annual performance evaluations for CSEA ASU (Secretarial/Clerical) staff are due July 2, 2011.
Effective 2012 - Annual performance evaluations for CSEA ASU (Secretarial/Clerical) staff are due based on the employee's division as follows:
June 1
President's Office
Student Affairs
University Advancement
July 15
Academic Affairs
Annual performance evaluations for CSEA OSU (Trades & Custodial), Council 82, and PEF staff are evaluated on their anniversary date.
What employment opportunities do you have available for clerical, maintenance, professional, or teaching positions?
All positions are posted via the Human Resources website.
I received a canvass letter; will I get an interview?
A canvass letter is merely an announcement that a vacancy exists in the title for which an individual was tested. A person must be reachable (e.g.: one of the top three scores) to be eligible for an interview. View Summary of NYS Civil Service Law.
Where am I on the Civil Service list?
Human Resources can inform candidates of their relative position on the eligible list for the position in which they were canvassed. Please view the New York State Department of Civil Service Eligible List Management System (ELMS).
Can I submit a bid form for a Civil Service vacancy?
Bid forms are no longer accepted. All interested parties should apply utilizing the online application system on the Human Resources website.
What Human Resources form should be used to appoint a full-time professional to the Fredonia payroll?
A Change of Status form (COS) needs to be completed to enact an appointment and routed for approval. When fully approved, the COS generates a contract letter from the President or Vice President to the employee.
A rehired employee already has an Employment Verification Eligibility I-9 on file.
Do they need to complete a new I-9?
United States Citizen - Rehired Within Three Years
No, provided the employee is rehired within three (3) years after original completion of the I-9 they do NOT need to complete a new form.
United States Citizen - Rehired After Three Years
If an employee is rehired three (3) years after his/her last day, a new I-9 must be completed.
Contact Human Resources at 716-673-3434 or email human.resources@fredonia.edu.
Can I charge my sick leave accruals for a death in the family?
Yes, if immediate family (up to 25 days annually for Classified; up to 30 days for UUP).
I'm a faculty member, and I was on sick leave for the entire semester. How do I complete my record of attendance form?
Charge the total number of instructional days for the semester. This number varies somewhat from semester to semester. Contact Payroll for the number of instructional days.
I'm going on maternity or sick leave. What forms do I need to complete?
You must complete a Family & Medical Leave Request Form and provide Human Resources with documentation from your health care provider. Click here for details about the family and medical leave process and employee rights under the Family Medical Leave Act (FMLA).
I have to report for jury duty. What do I need to do?
Advise your supervisor and obtain a signed certificate of attendance from the court clerk. Provide a copy to your supervisor upon your return and attach a copy to your time sheet. Do not charge accruals.
I know someone who is going to be on medical leave and does not have enough accruals. Can I donate accruals?
If the person is employed at the University or another SUNY campus and is eligible to receive donated credits, you may donate vacation accruals as long as you leave yourself at least 10 days. Forms are available in the Payroll Office and on our forms page. Click here for information on UUP and the Leave Donation/Exchange Program. All bargaining units participate except Council 82.