SUNY's EIT Accessibility Policy (6901) was approved by the SUNY Board of Trustees on June 20, 2019. The policy promotes for all people to have access to all content from EIT. To that end, we seek to ensure equal access for all people. All campuses shall develop plans, using the following standards.
Digital Content Standards
Classroom Standards
Library Guidelines
Procurement Standards
Web Standards
Committees were formed based upon the five standards.
Focuses on a number of key functions that include:
- Making sure web content adheres to WCAG standards
- Provide training on web accessibility
Members include:
- Derrik Decker
- Erin Ehman
- Jeff Woodard
- Jonathan Woolson
- Kevin Lane
- T. John McCune
Focuses on a number of key functions, that includes:
- Making sure that content whether public or private is accessible to all users.
- Ensuring course syllabi contain an accessibility statement
- Providing accessibility reviews for all courses
Members include:
- Christopher Taverna
- Dawn Eckenrode
- Jennifer Ruhland
- Laura Shrader
- Michael Aiello
- Scott Richmond
- Jonathan Woolson
- T. John McCune
Focuses on a number of key functions that includes:
- Including accessibility in pre-purchase documents/questionnaires
- Ensuring accessibility is reflected in RFP language
- Collecting documents and checking EIT conformance (Voluntary Product Accessibility Template)
Members include:
- Benjamin Hartung
- Shari Miller
- Terry Tzitzis
- T. John McCune
Focuses on a number of key functions, including:
- Create policies and procedures to make library content accessible
- Provide a liaison or contact within the library to give EIT-related support
- Provide assistive tech and equipment in computer labs
Members include:
- Christina Hilburger
- Jennifer Ruhland
- Kerrie Wilkes
- Kevin Bom
- Mandi Shepp
- Scott Richmond
- Tylor Cardone
- T. John McCune
The committee focused on a number of key functions, including but not limited to:
- Providing assistive listening systems
- Making sure classroom control systems support those with color blindness
- Making sure that new and existing campus spaces adhere to pertinent building standards and codes related to accessibility
Members include:
- Kevin Cloos
- Markus Kessler
- T. John McCune