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All Fredonia Listservs have been migrated to Google Groups. Click on the topics below for information.

Please refer to the Answers page for more details: Listserv Migration to Google Groups

All new email groups or listservs must be created through Google Groups. Assistance with creating a Google Group or moderating a group can be done through Tracker.

Google Groups Training and Help from the G Suite Learning Center  

Information Technology Services provides managed Google Groups as a service to the University community. As such, Information Technology Services reserves the right to make alterations in the service. This can happen at any time for the sake of the common good of all users. Google Groups that are not managed by ITS are self-supported.

The Google Groups manager reserves the right to make changes to any list without notice in the following cases:

  1. To correct errors
  2. To make preferred changes or improvements
  3. Where the group owner has been negligent or lax in conducting required group maintenance.

The Google Groups manager reserves the right to deny any user's access to Google Groups with due cause. Google may deny service to users based on bounced or excessive e-mail or other detected problems.

ITS Service Center

  • W203 Thompson Hall State University of New York at Fredonia Fredonia, NY 14063