The MPS Initiative is our promise to improve the way we print on campus. This will enable the Fredonia to comply with the System-wide Print Resource Use Policy (6902). SUNY System-wide Print Resource Use - Procedure (6903) is another policy we can follow.
NOTE: The rules do not apply to special use printers. This includes label, barcode, wristband, auto print jobs, wide printers, or 3D printers.
The MPS Task Force has been charged to:
- Review info and provide ideas
- Make sure that groups with lots of desktop printers are taken care of first
- Teach people about the uses of networked printing
- Train workers to promote better ways to print
- Increase how much the campus prints (while using the improved ways)
- Understand total “Fredonia” print total cost ownership and work toward fixing the budget
- Discuss what is expected and the results to the campus.
Members of the MPS Project Team includes the following faculty, staff, and students:
- Michel Kouadio - Chief Information Officer
- Jeff Woodard - Director of Marketing and Communications
- Judy Langworthy - Associate Vice President of Finance and Administration
- Kathy Forster - Director of Residence Life
- Kerrie Wilkes - Director of Reed Library
- Ben Hartung - Project Manager and Chief Information Security Officer
- Mark Mackey - Manager of IT Service Delivery
- Dave Starrett - Provost and Interim Vice President of Finance and Administration
- Rhonda Gominiak - Administrative Assistant
- Sarah Laurie - Director of Environmental Health, Safety, & Sustainability
- Terry Tzitzis - Director of University Services
- Print to a Shared Printer
- Only print job related docs (e.g. SUNY forms, work related forms to approved research, etc.)
- Printing for yourself is not allowed
- Only what is needed (use print preview prior to printing)
- Only when needed
- By using the lowest cost printing device and settings available
- Duplex, single printing default settings
- Draft, economy, or fast draft mode printing.
- Use "Shrink to Fit" or "Shrink One Page."
- Many slides or pages from a slideshow or doc on each page.
- Remove backgrounds, shading, and graphics that are not needed from print jobs.
- Avoid printing one page documents (e.g., email and web pages) unless you are told to do so.
- If the total number of pages exceeds 100, you should send the print job to the campus print shop. If a print shop is not located on your campus, use other ways, such as:
- Turning the file into a PDF or sending to a shared location;
- If hard copies are required, the use of a high-speed Printer/Copier/Scanner. An example is the Multi-Functional Device (MFD). This will be the cheapest and efficient way to print.
Teacher's Best Ways in Reducing Print
- Use FREDLearn or other approved online exam solution
- Syllabi, Slide Shows, and Handouts - Load into FREDLearn, no printing.
- Students’ Note Taking –Encourage students to bring their laptops to class.
- Advisement Notes –Complete online.
- Meeting Agendas, Minutes and Documents–Bring your laptop to meetings to view these, when possible.
The impact on the planet with our current paper use:
By the end of the 2021 calendar year:
- Used 171,176.44 gallons of water
- Produced 21.78 metric tons of CO2
- Used 93,770.16 KW of electricity
- Produced 8.72 metric tons of solid waste
- Destroyed 202.09 trees