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Welcome All Vendors

Provided are quick links to information that is catered to the needs of the vendors who do business with SUNY Fredonia.

To the left are links to other websites and information pertaining to purchasing and procurement that you might find helpful.

We look forward to working with you.

Fredonia and the State Financial System (SFS)

On April 1, 2012, the State of New York implemented a new state-wide financial system. The new State Financial System (SFS) significantly impacted our operations in the Purchasing Department. Several links have been added to our site to aid vendors and departments in the new forms and process that we now use.

Steps for New Vendors to SFS


SFS Help for Vendors

About SFS

Using the SFS Vendor Portal

Updating an Address

Updating a Legal Name/Business Name

Updating an Email Address

For a brief overview on Vendor Self-Service:

Vender Self-Service

**Please note that we as a campus do not have an official vendor list. However, if you email us a line card to, we will forward it to the departments and people on campus that would most benefit from having a relationship with your company.**

Other Beneficial Links & Documents:

Links Of Interest

Purchasing Office

  • 404 Maytum Hall State University of New York at Fredonia Fredonia, NY 14063