What is a Medical Withdrawal?
A student who finds it necessary to leave the university due to a medical nature (i.e., injury, illness, substance-related issues, mental health issues) before the end of a semester must officially medically withdraw by Friday, May 9th. To begin the process start by downloading and filling out the 'Medical Withdrawal Form,' which can be found below in
Step 1: Medical Withdrawal Form
Step 2: Once you have the form, you must email or call the following offices and write in the staff member's name who responds to you from each office.
- Financial Aid (financial.aid@fredonia.edu) 716-673-3253 - will inform students the implications the withdrawal will have on their financial aid
- Student Accounts (student.accounts@fredonia.edu) 716-673-3236 - will provide information regarding how your semester bill will be adjusted as a result of your withdrawal. Students may not be eligible for all of their financial aid, and this will be discussed when we sign your form.
- Residence Life (reslife@fredonia.edu) 716-673-3341 - will inform students about their card access and will discuss the process required for properly checking-out of the residence hall
- FSA (fsa.office@fredonia.edu) 716-680-6228 - provides an opportunity for students to ask questions and will ensure timely account cancellations
Step 3: When the form is complete with all mandatory signatures*
- Email with subject 'Withdraw Form Submission' to Advising@fredonia.edu
Step 4: Provide Required Documentation to Student Affairs (student.affairs@fredonia.edu or fax to 716-673-3583)*
- Medical Documentation Required
- an original, signed affidavit from a licensed medical provider, licensed mental health provider or an equivalent healthcare provider (not a relative) on letterhead indicating that the student is unable to continue enrollment, or to continue enrollment in specific courses. The evidence must state that the student’s medical/psychological condition is of sufficient severity to make continued enrollment problematic. If the affidavit does not specify courses in which the student may remain enrolled, the student will be withdrawn from all courses.
*Both steps 3 and 4 must be completed to be eligible for a Medical Withdrawal
Important Information About Your Withdrawal
- Once a withdrawal is approved, the person is no longer considered a student and must immediately leave campus and, if applicable, officially check out of on-campus housing within 24 hours.
- A student shall not be exempt from disciplinary proceedings for behavioral infractions which occurred prior to leaving. A withdrawal does not override a student conduct (judicial) referral.
- International students must consult with International Support Services before withdrawing.
- Students who are using Military and/or Veteran Benefits should contact Veteran Support Services before withdrawing to determine eligibility for future funding.
- Students in the Educational Development Program (EOP) should consult with their EOP counselor before withdrawing to determine eligibility for future EOP funding.
If you plan on returning, please read the following for information on how-to and the process for returning.
- By January 1 (spring semester), May 1 (summer sessions), or August 1 (fall semester) have your licensed treatment provider(s) complete the Questionnaire for Return from Medical Withdrawal | Leave of Absence and send to Student Affairs, 701 Maytum Hall, SUNY Fredonia, Fredonia, NY 14063 - fax to 716-673-3583 or email: student.affairs@fredonia.edu
- The medical/mental health provider and/or student who would like to discuss options for support on campus and the student’s readiness to return is encouraged to consult with our Student Health Center (716-673-3131) or Counseling Center (716-673-3424). Additionally, Academic Advising (716-673-3188) can assist the student in discussing academic options, including alternatives if the student is not quite ready to return.
- Please also complete and submit the appropriate Health Center or Counseling Center Release of Information form to allow your treatment provider to communicate with the appropriate office at Fredonia.
- Student Affairs will notify the Registrar of your clearance to return. If you haven't already done so, you'll also need to submit your application to the Registrar for readmission/reinstatement.
- Before the start of the semester, Fredonia’s Care Coordinator will make contact with the student (by phone or in person) to discuss a wellness plan for their return.
- What is a Withdrawal?
- What is the Not Returning Process?
- What is a Leave of Absence?
- What is a Medical Withdrawal?
- What is Reinstatement / Readmission?
- Things to Consider
Academic Advising Services
Fenton Hall, Room 2114
phone: 716-673-3188
email: Advising@fredonia.edu