Crisis Services Concerned about a Student Schedule an Appointment
Important Updates: Spring 2025
Hours of Operation: Monday-Friday 8am-4:30pm
Spring Break - Monday, March 17 - Friday, March 21 | 8am-4pm
Counseling services are provided either in-person or virtually via secure Zoom for all registered SUNY Fredonia Students. You are welcome to choose which form of service delivery you are most comfortable with. All clinical mental health services are free and confidential. Scroll down for more information regarding the services we offer to support your well-being and academic success.
Please call the office at 716-673-3424 to inquire about services and to schedule appointments.
In the event of a mental health emergency, please contact University Police at 716-673-3333, the Chautauqua County Crisis Hotline (1-800-724-0461) or the National Suicide Prevention Hotline at 988.
As a way of trying to continually improve our services we provide to students, we encourage your feedback. We would love to hear your thoughts, suggestions, or concerns. Click the link for the Counseling Center Feedback Form below if you would like to leave feedback. You can choose to comment anonymously, or if you would like a response from the Counseling Center, you may choose to leave your name and contact information.
If you would prefer to speak with a staff member directly, please give us a call at 716-673-3424 and request to speak with the Clinical Director, Jeff Janicki, or Vice President for Student Affairs Dr. Tracy Stenger at 716-673-3271. If you have already met with a counselor and would prefer to speak with them about your suggestions, you may also choose to reach out to them directly.
Counseling Center Feedback Form
If you attended a Counseling Center Outreach Presentation. Please take a minute to offer us constructive feedback by clicking the link below:
In support of Fredonia’s strategic plan and institutional learning goals, the Counseling Center promotes student’s mental health, wellness, growth and development. [Expanded Mission Statement]
How can we help?
Counseling Center
Campus Resources
Student Resources to Support Academic Success and Wellness:
Student Health Center
Residence Life
Tutoring Services
Disability Services
Academic Advising
Career Development
Food Pantry
Office of Student Affairs
Prevention, Advocacy & Wellness Services (PAWS)
SUNY Fredonia is partnered with BetterMynd, an online therapy platform, to offer students access to free teletherapy sessions from a diverse network of licensed mental health counselors.
These 50-minute live video sessions are private and confidential and can take place from the convenience of your laptop, smartphone, or tablet. Teletherapy sessions are available during the day, at night, and on weekends, so you get support whenever it's best for you.
Students who are interested in accessing the BetterMynd platform should complete the Google form linked below or contact the Counseling Center for more information.
The FREDwell Lounge [Williams Center S212] is a wellness-focused space available for students to attend peer led groups about mental health, stress and coping. This comfortable space is intended to be a quiet space for introspection and connection.
Follow us on Instagram @ FSUFREDWELL
Students have access to myStrength--a free online tool that teaches skills to reduce stress, improve mood, and overcome other challenges.
For access, visit
click “Sign Up,” and enter the access code
FredoniaBlueDevil for personalized help, including tracking your mood, managing depressive and anxious thoughts, and to access and share inspirations.
Let's Talk
Let's Talk will be paused/suspended during the spring 2025 semester due to declining utilization over the past several years. Thank you for your patience as we consider how to best allocate our resources in support of student health and well-being. We intend to launch a reimagined and revitalized Let's Talk program for the 2025-2026 academic year
Groups & Workshops
The Counseling Center offers a variety of group and workshop experiences that are fun, informative, and thought provoking, designed to help participants safely explore themes related to developing a firm sense of who they are and what they want out of life.
Individual Counseling
Feeling Stuck? Maybe Counseling Can Help:
Brief, episodic, counseling interventions can help you to harness your energy for change, those impulses that we frequently feel, and explore them in a structure that helps you to stay committed to what is truly important to you.
Community Resources
Confidential text line 24/7: texting Got5U to 741-741 for help
Text HOME to 741741 for free 24/7 crisis support in the US
Domestic Violence & Sexual Assault (1-800-252-8748)
Non-Crisis Peer Support daily 5pm-11pm Warm Line Call: 1-877-426-4373 Text: 716-392-0252
Psychology Today Counselor Search
Free Virtual Support Group for Disordered EatingSpecifically for college students. Meets weekly on Tuesdays 3:30-4:30PM.