The communication program, which leads to a bachelor’s degree, consists of three components: the communication core, a major specialization, and a minor. The core courses in the program allow all majors to study the communication process as it occurs in both face-to-face and mediated settings, while course work in specialized areas combines theoretical knowledge with hands-on applications. The five majors that the department currently offers are:
The Department of Communication also offers 2 minors that students can enroll in:
Admission into The State University of New York at Fredonia Department of Communication and a continuation in a chosen specialization is subject to review by the department. Criteria include grade point average (GPA) as well as performance in the specialization. Overall GPA, performance in communication courses and related activities are taken into consideration.
Students must receive at least a C in every required course within their major. Students receiving a grade lower than a C will have the opportunity to retake the course once and replace the original grade. In addition, an overall GPA of 2.5 must be achieved in these courses, which differs from the Fredonia minimum of a 2.0 GPA.
A student who receives a grade below C in a course may repeat that course only once. If a student does not achieve a C or better the second time, he/she will be required to change to a major outside of the Communication Department.
Social Media Minor Requirements

Communication Minor Requirement
All communication majors are required to complete a minor outside the department. Minors, which typically consist of 18 to 24 credits, require approval by the advisor in the minor department. The specific criteria vary with each program. Students do not need to choose a minor immediately; however, they are encouraged to speak with their faculty advisor, select a course of study, and begin accumulating credits toward the minor by their junior year. Students may participate in the Fredonia Study Abroad program to satisfy the minor requirement. When planning a semester abroad, Digital Film majors should be mindful that the required Fiction capstone sequence must be taken during two consecutive semesters.