Mary Louise White Lecture Series
2021 Mary Louise White Lecture Series: Aaron Hanlon (March 31, 7 p.m.)
2019 Mary Louise White Lecture Series: Nishta Mehra
2018 Mary Louise White Lecture Series: Sharon Flake
2018 Mary Louise White Lecture Series: Madelyn Detloff
2017 Mary Louise White Lecture Series: Ashwin Manthripragada
This event is part of the Zweig at Fredonia: 50 Years of Transformation celebration.
2016 Mary Louise White Lecture Series: George Prochnik
Keynote lecture by award-winning author George Prochnik. Prochnik is well known for his biographical treatment of Stefan Zweig, The Impossible Exile: Stefan Zweig at the End of the World (2014), from which filmmaker Wes Anderson loosely drew inspiration for his film The Grand Budapest Hotel. In 2014 NPR’s Robert Siegel interviewed Prochnik, discussing both Anderson’s film and the author’s then forthcoming book (listen here). Prochnik’s other works include In Pursuit of Silence: Listening for Meaning in a World of Noise (2010) and Putnam Camp: Sigmund Freud, James Jackson Putnam and the Purpose of American Psychology (2006).
2014 Mary Louise White Lecture: Alexandra Socarides |
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2013 Mary Louise White Lecture: Oscar Kenshur, "Saving Homer"
2012 Mary Louise White Lecture: Andrea Herrera
Launching the Mary Louise White Lecture Series, Andrea Herrera is presenting two talks on Cuban diasporic art and literature. Thursday, Oct. 4 (3:30 p.m. Williams Center 204) and Friday, Oct. 5 (3:00 p.m. Japanese Garden--Reed Library, Reception 4:30 p.m.)
Sponsored by the Department of English, the Department of World Languages and Cultures, Latinos Unidos, Latino Studies-Interdisciplinary Programs, and Faculty-Student Association.
2011 Mary Louise White Symposium
Elizabeth Dodd
The Sixth Annual Mary Louise White Symposium
April 20th and 21st, 2011
Wednesday, April 20--An Introduction to Elizabeth Dodd: Exploring the Mind's Eye
7:30-9pm, S-104 Williams Center
Thursday, April 21--Reception 4pm, Talk 5pm
Horizon Room, Williams Center
Special Thanks to the Mary Louise White Fund and the English Department
2010 Mary Louise White Symposium
Sophocles' Electra.
The Fifth Annual Mary Louise White Symposium
February 17th and 23rd, 2010
In coordination with the Fredonia Walter Gloor Mainstage Production of Sophocles' Electra, the Department of English is sponsoring two events for campus discussion of this classic Greek tragedy.
Wednesday, February 17, 4:30 p.m., Horizon Room in the Williams Center
Roundtable Discussion: Dr. James Ivey, Professor of Theatre and Dance, Fredonia, Dr. Ted Steinberg, Professor of English, Fredonia, and Student Director Jordan Rizzieri
Tuesday, February 23rd, 4:30 p.m., Fenton 105
2009 Mary Louise White Symposium
Remapping World Literature
The Fourth Annual Mary Louise White Symposium
May 7th-9th, 2009
Wai Chee Dimock of Yale University is the keynote speaker for the English Department’s fourth annual Mary Louise White Symposium, “Remapping World Literature.” Professor Dimock will put her work on deep time, remapping genre, transnational citizenship, and American literary globalism in the context of histories of and debates over world literature in a talk entitled “High to Low: World Migration of Genres.” She will also participate in a roundtable discussion on implications of her work for pedagogy, curriculum, professional development, and strategic planning in English at Fredonia. Both these events are free and open to the public.
“High to Low: World Migration of Genres,” Wai Chee Dimock, William Lampson Professor of English and American Studies, Yale University
Keynote, Wednesday, May 6, 3:00 – 4:30 pm, Fenton 105
“Remapping World Literature,” includes Wai Chee Dimock, Shannon McRae, Bruce Simon, and Birger Vanwesenbeeck
Roundtable, Thursday, May 7, 2:00 – 4:00 pm, Rosch Recital Hall
2008 Mary Louise White Symposium
Teaching Global Literature: A Faculty Retreat
The Third Annual Mary Louise White Symposium
April 5, 2008
Department of English faculty convened at the Fredonia College Lodge for a faculty development initiative focused on strengthening instruction in our world literature core classes: Epic and Romance, Drama and Film, Novels and Tales, and World Poetry.
2007 Mary Louise White Symposium
Emerging Literacies:
The 2nd Annual Mary Louise White Symposium
March 8-9, 2007
Thursday, March 8: All events are in McEwen, G-26
3:30-4:30 pm Reception and Launch of the English honor society, Sigma Tau Delta
4:30-5:15 pm Multimodal Literacies: Teaching and Learning English in the Digital Age
Dr. Suzanne Miller, Associate Professor of English Education,
Graduate School of Education at the University at Buffalo
Friday, March 9: All events are in Café G
10-11 am The Role of Multiple Literacies in Learning and Writing
Dr. Patricia Dunn, Associate Professor of English and English, Education, SUNY Stony Brook
12:30-1:30 pm The Information Literacy Equation: Millennials, Research, and Critical Thinking
Stewart Brower, Coordinator of Information Management Education,University at Buffalo Health Sciences Library; library liaison, UB Schoolof Pharmacy
2006 Mary Louise White Symposium
Being Human: Taking the Humanities Beyond the Classroom
The First Annual Mary Louise White Symposium
The State University of New York at Fredonia
Thursday, March 16, 3:30 p.m. - 8:45 p.m.
Friday, March 17, 9:00 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.
All events are free and open to the public,
and classes are welcome to attend.
This year’s Mary Louise White Symposium, entitled "Being Human: Taking the Humanities beyond the Classroom," concerns the vision for the humanities today. The symposium will include multi-disciplinary keynotes by nationally renowned off- and on-campus scholars and involve community leaders, faculty across campus and graduate and undergraduate students.
The symposium will address the current situation of the humanities in general while focusing on:
- community outreach programs,
- student practice, and
- the arts and humanities in our geographical region.
Sponsored by the...
Department of English
College of Education
Special thanks to the Mary Louise White Fund, College of Education, and the Fredonia College Foundation's Carnahan-Jackson Humanities Fund for additional financial support.
Questions? E-mail:
MLW Symposium, Department of English
Fredonia - 277 Fenton Hall - Fredonia, NY 14063
Phone: 716-673-3125 | Fax: 716-673-4661