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Phi Alpha Theta is the national history honors society recognizing excellence in undergraduate students’ performance in their history classes. Phi Alpha Theta’s mission is to promote the study of history through the encouragement of research, good teaching, publications, and the exchange of learning and ideas among historians. It brings together students, teachers, and writers of history for intellectual and social exchange.


2014 Phi Alpha Theta Initiates

Membership Requirements

To be eligible for membership in Phi Alpha Theta, undergraduates must complete at least 12 semester hours in history (4 classes) with a GPA of at least 3.1 in history. Students also must have an overall GPA of 3.0 or better and be in the top 35 percent of their class. Membership is not limited to history majors.
At Fredonia, we encourage our students to participate in Phi Alpha Theta programs. Each year our students present their research at the Western New York Regional Phi Alpha Theta Conference.

For more information about Phi Alpha Theta, please click here


Dr. Sievens and Dr. Litwicki prepare students for the initiation ceremony.

History Department

  • E332 Thompson Hall State University of New York at Fredonia Fredonia, NY 14063

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