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For a complete list of student associations, visit Campus Life Clubs and Organizations.

American Choral Directors Association (ACDA)

  • American Choral Directors Association (ACDA) strives to educate those interested in the art of conducting and music directing. We continue to promote a student chapter of the national division of ACDA through collaborative workshops and master classes where members can grow as choral conductors and educators.

American String Teachers Association (ASTA)

  • The purpose of ASTA is to help expand the knowledge of all who will be future string music educators. We strive to promote the highest of standards in string playing, teaching, and string teacher education. We also provide additional opportunities for community and campus involvement in string education.

Conductors Guild

  • Conductors Guild is an inclusive group dedicated to bettering individuals' confidence and knowledge in conducting through experiences on and off the podium. This group is open to all majors.

Dynamic Intonation

  • Fredonia's first jazz a cappella group.

Ethos New Music Society

  • Ethos New Music Society is a presenting organization. Since 1977, Ethos has been one of the most important advocators of contemporary concert music in Western New York State. Through concerts and workshops by nationally known visiting composers, performance artists, and new music ensembles, as well as concerts featuring student composers and performers, Ethos is able to provide an important cultural service to the university and the surrounding region.

Fredonia Bass Society

  • To promote and educate new and experienced electric and double-bass players.

Fredonia Brass Association

  • The Fredonia Brass Association encourages students to get together and learn about playing a brass instrument. We hold events to teach students about the instruments, to give playing opportunities to students who play a brass instrument, and go on trips to listen to professional musicians. We hope to enlighten students and give many opportunities for students to explore the world of intermediate and professional brass playing.

Fredonia's Divine Sound Gospel Choir

  • Fredonia’s Divine Sound Gospel Choir hopes to foster a safe learning environment in which the students of the State University of New York at Fredonia’s campus are able to fellowship together through the medium of Gospel/ Christian Contemporary music by learning the history, culture, and style of the genre. It is the hope of the group that the members therein are committed to having the trifold of education, mental, physical, and spiritual development, be a part of their lives daily in order for their college experience to be a well- rounded, Christ centered one.

Fredonia Guitar Society

  • Our goal as a guitar society is to connect the community and student body to the world of guitar music via concerts and master classes with renowned guitarists from all over the world.

Fredonia Jazz Workshop (FJW)

  • The Fredonia Jazz Workshop (FJW) encompasses three student-run jazz ensembles: the Fredonia Jazz Ensemble (FJE), the Fredonia Big Band, and the Vocal Jazz Ensemble (VJE). Starting in the 1940's as a Dance Band, the Fredonia Jazz Ensemble is the oldest jazz group at Fredonia. With a rich history of jazz, FJE continues to perform a variety of jazz music on and off the Fredonia campus, including an annual tour of schools in the North Eastern U.S. to promote Fredonia's School of Music. Formed in the early 2000's, the Fredonia Big Band became one of the most prominent gig bands at Fredonia. 

    Often performing in downtown Fredonia and venues between Erie, PA and Buffalo, the Fredonia Big Band plays a variety of jazz, blues, funk, and rock that continues to draw a crowd. The Vocal Jazz Ensemble was created to offer voice students the opportunity to get involved with the Jazz Workshop. VJE performs a wide variety of repertoire and arrangements featuring music by Ella Fitzgerald, Frank Sinatra, Michael Bublé, and many more. The Fredonia Jazz Workshop also offers weekly Improv sessions and has several combo groups that play on campus and in the community. Auditions for each group are held soon after the Fall Activities Night and rehearsals are held several times a week.

Fredonia Musicological Society

  • The Fredonia Musicology Society aims to promote musicology and ethnomusicology fields of study by presenting them in a different and unique way. We break through preconceived ideas of what the field is through student lectures, movie events, and chapter meetings. Check us out on Facebook at "Fredonia Musicology Society" for event information, to share ideas for papers, and learn about grad school opportunities!

Fredonia Student Keyboard Association (FSKA)

  • We are a student lead group composed of students in the piano area. Our goal is to plan events, engage in activities, and sponsor distinguished artists that promote excellence and innovation in piano performance and musicianship.

Fredonia Trombone Workshop

  • The Fredonia Trombone Workshop started as a pedagogical extension of the trombone studio. It has grown to include non-major members of the Fredonia community and presently contains over 20 members. The choir performs on campus in the acoustically celebrated Rosch Recital Hall. Twice a year, we feature renowned guest trombone artists from around the world. 

    The choir is also committed to educational outreach, performing on community concert series and district band festivals throughout Western New York to standing ovations. This is the link to our Facebook page

Fredonia Woodwind Association

  • Woodwind majors get together to socialize, share ideas and concerns, raise funds for woodwind guest artists, and participate in community and college service activities.

The Guerrillas

  • All-male a capella group, formed in 2012.

The Improv. Collective

  • The Improv. Collective is dedicated to self-expression through music improvisation, and to addressing the National Standards for teaching Improvisation. It is comprised of some of the most creative students in the School of Music, as well as non-music majors. For us there are no wrong notes for we believe, as tribal people do, "If you can talk, you can sing. If you can walk, you can dance." We present several performances annually, and are available for outside engagements. Students and community members are welcome to join.

Much More Chill

  • Established in Fall of 2000, Much More Chill is Fredonia's premier all-male a capella group. With traditions similar to fraternal organizations, the groups close knit "brotherhood" still keeps audiences on their feet at every performance. The group focuses on more contemporary music with heavy doses of vocal percussion. Each year, at the end of the Spring semester, Much More Chill hold an end of year performance where its approximately 60 alumni are invited on stage.

Music Therapy Club

National Association for Music Education Collegiate (NAfME)

  • Fredonia's collegiate chapter of The National Association for Music Education; the only professional association that addresses all aspects of music education. Through its many programs, initiatives, and resources, NAfME works to promote the importance of music education, foster the best possible school music programs across the nation, and advance music education as a profession. As you prepare for your career, it’s time to become part of your professional organization.

New York State Band Directors Association Collegiate Chapter at Fredonia (NYSBDA)

  • The New York State Band Directors Association Collegiate Chapter at Fredonia is a not-for-profit collegiate organization composed of future Band Directors and Teachers. It is founded for the purpose of improving and promoting instrumental music in New York State. This shall be accomplished through a program of appropriately designed forums, planned and regulated in a thoroughly democratic manner by the Executive Board and the entire membership at large.

Percussion Guild

  • Percussion Guild focuses on all types of percussion music. In Percussion Guild we learn and play many types of percussion instruments from many different cultures from American Drum line to Indonesian Gamelan to African Drumming just to name a few. Percussion Guild also brings in many guest artists and clinicians well known in the world of percussion for workshops and performances. We have a large collection of percussion instruments, music, and CDs that members may rent out at any time free of charge. Percussion Guild is also involved with the Fredonia campus and community through performing and teaching people of all ages. We meet every Wednesday at 8 pm in Mason 1024.

Phi Mu Alpha Sinfonia

Premium Blend

  • Premium Blend is Fredonia's original co-educational a capella group. We primarily sing pop songs both new and old. Members are auditioned each semester and rehearsals occur at least twice a week. Premium Blend frequently performs all over campus and sometimes even off campus. We aim to bring peace, love, and music wherever we go!

The Riveters

Sigma Alpha Iota

  • Sigma Alpha Iota promotes interaction among those who share a commitment to music. Members of SAI are active in all areas of campus music and campus life, working closely with faculty, administration, campus and community groups, music professionals and patrons. In addition to personal encouragement and support, members may receive scholarships and awards in many areas and at all levels of music-related study. Sigma Alpha Iota has long been recognized as a leader in the field of music and provides a lifetime of fraternity contact.

Some Like It Hot

Student Opera Theatre Association (SOTA)

  • SOTA is one of the few groups on Fredonia’s campus who provides multiple performance opportunities for everyone on campus. These performances include master classes, Grand Night of Singing, and Opera Scenes, which is held at the 1891 Fredonia Opera House. SOTA holds Fall and Spring Vocal Week for the voice area. For these events, we bring in clinicians from the professional world to give our young singers a glimpse into what their lives will be like and so they can be given a different perspective on their vocal studies. Twitter @FredoniaSOTA!


Vocal Point

  • Fredonia State Show Choir is a performance group on campus that sings and dances to music from various genres. We are audition based, and have a mixed group and a women's group.


School of Music Office

  • Mason Hall State University of New York at Fredonia Fredonia, NY 14063

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