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The Federal Work Study Program provides jobs for undergraduates with financial need, allowing them to earn money to help pay education expenses. The program encourages community service.

At Fredonia, eligibility is determined each year as a result of early application of the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) and the financial need of a student. Funding level and number of positions are limited, so positions are not guaranteed from one year to the next.

Federal Work Study is a form of self-help aid. If you have been offered Work Study, you must accept or decline your award on-line at "Your Connection" by July 31st or the award will be cancelled.  Since the money is paid for hours worked, it is not an award that can be used as a credit against college charges.

New Work Study Students Only

Upon acceptance of your Work Study award you must complete the Work Study survey on-line accessed through "Your Connection" by July 31st or your award will be cancelled.

Key Points regarding the Work Study Program

  • It is vital that students follow all instructions and complete all requirements such as verification by the deadlines to avoid cancellation of the work study award.  Students should be sure to read all postal and e-mail sent to them regarding their financial aid.
  • Federal Work Study students are eligible to earn up to the amount listed on the award letter for the academic year.
  • A Work Study position is NOT guaranteed from year to year.  The student must file the FAFSA in early October, be eligible, and complete any outstanding requirements by the appropriate deadlines.
  • Student pay rates are awarded based on the current minimum wage standard.
  • Positions are assigned by the Financial Aid Office.  Students receive a letter informing them of when to pick up the paperwork from the Financial Aid Office.  The paperwork will list the student's placement and supervisor.
  • Students are paid every two weeks for hours worked.
  • Any monies not earned by the end of the academic year go back into the Work Study Fund. Monies are not carried over to the next year for the student.
  • Work Study is a job, not a paid study time. Therefore, it should be viewed in the same regard as a non-Work Study job. A student employee can be fired due to poor performance and attendance the same as with any other job.

Notification of a Work Study Award is made through an award letter from the Financial Aid Office. If a Work Study award is not listed, it means either you are not eligible or funding has been depleted. If you are still interested, you be added to the Work Study Waiting List. If a position becomes available, the waiting list is used to fill that position and the student is contacted by our office.

Fall / Spring Work Study Waiting List


Summer Work Study

Summer Work Study Description
There are a very small number of positions available.
Positions are full-time, so you cannot be attending summer classes.

Summer Work Study Application


To apply you must:

  • Complete a Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) or Renewal Application for the following academic year.
  • Complete a Summer Work Study Application also available in the Financial Aid Office.
  • Must be attending Fredonia for the following fall semester.

Financial Aid Office

  • 209 Maytum Hall State University of New York at Fredonia Fredonia, NY 14063

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