OK…I’ve got this…put on my mask and leave my office...follow the signs into Steele Hall…get my temperature taken and answer screening questions…get my FREDCard scanned…get my test kit and register…get in line to complete the test kit…and I’ve reached the head of the line to receive instructions from a person in Personal Protection Equipment…is that Registrar Scott Saunders?
Mr. Saunders is just one of many important volunteers on the Fredonia campus, including nearly two dozen undergraduate and graduate students, who make SUNY-mandated pool testing possible for the university.
Fredonia’s Environmental Health and Safety and Sustainability (EHSS) staff is coordinating the testing for campus, working hand-in-hand with the campus Health Center and the Chautauqua County Department of Health. The campus’ Emergency Planning Coordinator Charles J. Holder is now also in the role of Pool Testing Coordinator. Director of EHSS Sarah Laurie cheerfully answers endless questions and emails and helps make the check-in process go smoothly at the testing site, longtime former Fredonia staffer Kathy Dyckes serves as a temporary employee for the pool testing office needs, and Kelly Vincent is the COVID Response and Support Coordinator.
Their army of staff/faculty volunteers also includes Assistant Registrar Kristin Dobmeier, Office of Facilities Planning Capital Project Assistant Gretchen Fronczak, Director of Residence Life Kathy Forster, Associate Director of Residence Life Kevin Hahn, Assistant Director of Residence Life/Townhouse Coordinator Dan Goodwin, Residence Directors Megan Hanrahan, Alyssa Stephens, Richard Sanders, and Adrian Vega Bautista; Office of Residence Life Agency Program Aide Alicia Wroblewski, University Commons Counselor-in-Residence Miranda Nellis, Dr. Tracy Stenger, who serves as Director of Student Wellness and Support Services; Director of Engagement and Career Development Tracy Collingwood, Office of Career Development Office Assistant Kathy Scofield; Dr. Judy Langworthy, who serves as Associate Vice President of Finance and Administration; Assistant Director of Facilities Services Mark Delcamp and Dr. Ted Lee of the Department of Biology.
Four Health Center nurses also assisting with pool testing include Nurse Practitioner Deborah Dibble, who is Director of Student Health; and Ashley Lancaster, Tim Borzilleri and Emily Maytum.
Critical to the success of this endeavor are undergraduate and master’s degree FREDStrong student volunteers who are from the Pre-Health Professions areas, most majoring in Biology or Chemistry. They include Kaylee Martin, Hannah Rubinrott, Selena Brown, Gabi Dierna, Ally Kilburn, Courtney Campese, Rhyannon Davis, Emilia Driscoll, Joshuel Velasco, Osamuyimem Osa, Effeh Badu, Marc Oropeza, Paige Eversole, Emily Gorgievski, Elizabeth Hahn, Emilee Stenson, Taylor Marelli, Aaron Wierbinski, Gabriella Chudy, Jackson Berry, Brendan Harter, Mauliq Adesanya and Joshua Ninan. Now part of SUNY Fredonia history, their efforts will long be remembered by the campus community.
Even Freddy Blue Devil has gotten in on the action, starring in the “how-to” video on the pool testing process created by videographer Jim Gibbons of the Department of Marketing and Communications.
It’s a campus-wide effort which Mr. Holder notes is only possible through the generosity of the volunteers. "There is no way we could successfully pool test our entire campus of students and employees if it were not for our fantastic volunteers; their willingness to step up and help out is what makes our campus great."
So, try to smile, even with your mask on, when they greet you, and say thanks – it will be appreciated!
Additional volunteers needed to help with pool testing
The university is looking for additional volunteers willing to offer up time on their schedules to assist. Some of the duties’ volunteers perform include:
All the stations (except the collection station) are socially distant and require only face coverings to be worn by the volunteer. Training will be provided to anyone who volunteers. Those interested in volunteering should send an email to pooltesting@fredonia.edu (students) or epooltesting@fredonia.edu (employees).
Specific needs for volunteers include:
Monday 11/9/2020 (Afternoon Shift)
Tuesday 11/10/20 (Morning Shift)
Wednesday 11/11/20 (Morning Shift)
Wednesday 11/11/20 (Afternoon Shift)
Thursday 11/12/20 (Afternoon)
Friday 11/13/20 (Morning)