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Omar Posas, M.D.

Honduras physician to speak to students in Pandemic Health class

Omar Posas, M.D., will provide insight into how COVID-19 has impacted Honduras, where SUNY Fredonia students and alumni have served on medical brigades, in a...

Christina Witters with some of the donations

Student shares personal story in collecting donations for Ukraine

“My heart’s there in Ukraine, but I can’t be there to help, so I want to do all that I can. I can’t imagine what...

group of alumni with faculty member and physician

Biology professor Lee, alumni keep Fredonia connected to Honduras medical brigades

Fredonia students were not able to staff medical brigades in Honduras during the semester break, but the university’s connection to the Central American country remains...

poster for event

Learn all about Biology opportunities at informal reception

Students can get an inside track on research projects, upper-level course electives and other learning opportunities in the Department of Biology at an informal gathering...

student and faculty member in lab

Senior, biology prof co-author research article in cancer journal

Senior Samantha Reed, who has majors in Molecular Genetics and Medical Technology, is a co-author, along with Department of Biology Assistant Professor Nicholas Quintyne, of...

pottery for sale

Art sale to support student Honduras experience

A fundraiser – featuring works of art created by more than a dozen area artists – is underway to raise money to purchase medicine and...

copy of poster for event

Pottery show, sale set in Williams Center

The Annual Pottery Show and Sale, featuring local potters donating a portion of their proceeds to benefit the Health Professional School Preparation Scholarship Fund, will...

Scott Weidensaul

Lecturer to explore astounding feats of migratory birds

Renowned ornithologist Scott Weidensaul will present a lecture, “A World on the Wing: The Global Odyssey of Migratory Birds,” on Thursday, Sept. 23 at 7...

veterinarian student examines dog's eyes

Yochym biology scholarship benefits future veterinarians

The dream that the father of Barbara and Cynthia Yochym to become a veterinarian lives on through SUNY Fredonia alumni such as Megan MacIntyre, a...