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Panel discussion to continue Convocation's focus on diversity

A panel discussion exploring “The Value of Diversity” will be held on Tuesday, Oct. 1, at 3:30 p.m. in Room 103B of the Williams Center...

BPO Concert Master Michael Ludwig to perform on Sunday with the Western New York Chamber Orchestra

The Western New York Chamber Orchestra, a professional ensemble-in-residence at SUNY Fredonia, opens its 2013 -2014 concert season on Sunday, Sept. 29, at 4 p.m...

Ted Sharon

Theatre and Dance Professor Sharon works on three major musicals this summer

Ted Sharon, associate chair and head of performance in the Department of Theatre and Dance, had an event-filled summer! First Sharon, along with four students...

Timothy & Alexis Branden of Fredonia with Alexa DiRaimo of Rochester

Children’s Concerts Series Kicks Off Eighth Season with Fredonia School of Music Percussion Trio on Saturday, Oct. 5

A percussion trio will perform as part of the Children's Concert Series at 10:30 and 11:30 a.m., Saturday, Oct 5. The concert, designed to introduce...


Beach cleanup rescheduled for Sunday, Sept. 22

Groups of volunteers from SUNY Fredonia will lead beach cleanups at Point Gratiot and Wright Park in Dunkirk on Sunday, Sept. 22, from noon to...

Sept. 20 -- Fredonia Varsity Men’s Baseball Alumni Game

Saturday, Sept. 20, 12:30 p.m., Ludwig Field, Campus

SUNY Fredonia's Ethos New Music Society presents student composers concert

The first Student Composers Concert of the new school year, featuring student instrumentalists and vocalists performing works by both undergraduate and graduate students, will be...

The 85th Annual Meeting of New York State Geological Association will be hosted by the Department of Geosciences

The 85th Annual Meeting of New York State Geological Association will be hosted by the Department of Geosciences on Sept. 20 to 22 as part...

Fredonia for St. Jude visits St. Jude Research Hospital in Memphis

This past summer, Fredonia for St. Jude provided two students and one advisor with the opportunity to tour the St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital in...

Ted Steinberg_Fredonia

SUNY Fredonia professor pens first 'Open SUNY' online textbook

Fredonia Distinguished Teaching Professor Ted Steinberg has written the first chapter in a pilot SUNY project designed to control higher education costs by producing online...