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Pianist gives master class in Israel

Pianist and School of Music faculty member Dr. Dmitri Novgorodsky 's travel to Israel in June included a master class to student pianists.

Music education specialist presents work on teaching singing

Dr. Christian Bernhard presented at the National Colloquium for Instrumental Music Teacher Educators in Columbus, Ohio, and had a manuscript accepted for publication in the...

English instructor leads adult poetry workshop at local library

Adjunct Instructor Rebecca Schwab of the Department of English ran a weekly adult poetry workshop at the Dunkirk Free Library for seven weeks this past...

Visual artist Tucker receives grant and has work accepted for exhibit

Assistant Professor Peter Tucker of the Department of Visual Arts and New Media received a $2,500 Artist in Community grant from the New York State...

Dr. Natalie Gerber participates in summer poetry conference and symposium

At the West Chester University Poetry Conference in June, Dr. Natalie Gerber of the Department of English organized and led a three-day critical seminar, “Understanding...

School of Music professor has articles accepted for publication

Several works by Assistant Professor Jill Reese's work in the area of music education have been accepted for publication, ranging from identification of music behaviors...

Dance Professor Helen Myers' work has international flair

Dance faculty member Helen Myers served as a judge for an international festival and will present choreography at upcoming regional festival.

Klein presents paper at conference in Hungary

Dr. Ana Maria Klein presented a paper at the 11th International Humanities Conference in Budapest, Hungary, during the summer.

Learn about study abroad programs at fair

Students interested in pursuing international educational adventures are invited to visit the Study Abroad Fair on Tuesday, Sept. 17, from 2 to 5 p.m., at...

New-member meeting set by Fredonia for St. Jude.

Fredonia for St. Jude will hold its first meeting of the 2013-2014 year on Wednesday, Sept. 18, at 8 p.m. and all members of the...