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Register by April 28 to help in "hunt" for cure w/ Zach's Run May 1

The Dearths at the 2010 Zach's Run in Atlantic City, N.J. From left are Zach with mom, Cheryl, who works in SUNY Fredonia's Professional Development...

Rivera honored with SUNY Chancellor's Award for Internationalization

Dr. Carmen Rivera, chair of the Department of Modern Languages and Literatures, recently received the SUNY Chancellor’s Award for Internationalization, for developing “Thematic International Education...

Nature writing is focus of convocation event April 19

Students enrolled in English 399 — a.k.a., Nature Writing — will celebrate Earth Week at SUNY Fredonia with a special event titled, “The Alphabet of...

Gino Morrow, artist and entrepreneur

Gino Morrow, '94, was honored on campus March 9 at the annual EDP Awards Ceremony. The 4 p.m. event, held in the Horizon Room, is...

Journalism's Elmer Ploetz to screen documentary on Buffalo punk rock history

A film produced by SUNY Fredonia Associate Professor of Communication Elmer Ploetz will be showcased Tuesday, April 19 at 7 p.m. in 202 McEwen Hall...

Campus once again rolls up sleeves for Earth Week

SUNY Fredonia will cap off a semester-long series of Sustainably-themed events with its annual Earth Week celebration, which runs through Thursday, April 21, leading up...

Student documentary on Canadaway Creek to be shown April 20

“Creekology” is a documentary produced by two seniors, outlining the many assets of Fredonia’s Canadaway Creek--which is just a hop, skip and a jump away...

Acclaimed "Dov and Ali" brought to Bartlett by PAC

SUNY Fredonia’s Student Association and Performing Arts Company present a series of performances of the acclaimed, “Dov and Ali,” by Jewish-American playwright, novelist and poet...

Radio ready to rock out for Roswell

Fredonia Radio Systems will host its annual Rock’n the Commons benefit for Roswell Park Cancer Institute this Saturday, April 16, from 11 a.m. until 9...

Student teaching program in Australia offered in January

SUNY Fredonia presents a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for students in the Department of Education who would like an international student teaching program in Australia. The program...