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artwork "Untitled" by Laylah Ali

Marion art gallery exhibition to feature drawings by award-winning artist

Works by a renowned artist with Western New York roots will be featured in the next exhibition in the Cathy and Jesse Marion Art Gallery...

drawings of buildings by student artist

Two artists recognized for work in recent show

Winners of the President's Award for Best in Show and the Marion Art Gallery Senior Show Award from the recent Fall 2023 senior show “Meraki,”...

chorus performs in King Concert Hall

Watch the Holiday Concert on WNED

The Fredonia Holiday Concert recorded on Saturday, Dec. 2 in King Concert Hall at the State University of New York at Fredonia will be broadcast...

Trombone Choir in concert

Trombone Choir shines in Buffalo

The SUNY Fredonia Trombone Choir was the invited featured group of the Buffalo Philharmonic Orchestra’s Community Spotlight Series on Saturday in the Mary Seaton Room...

decorated holiday wreath

Holiday Concert on Dec. 2 to be recorded for PBS

A Fredonia Holiday Concert is slated for Saturday, Dec. 2 at 8 p.m. in King Concert Hall, which will be recorded for broadcast on WNED-TV...

members of the choir

Kudos go to Fredonia Chamber Choir

It was announced recently that the Fredonia Chamber Choir earned second place in the 2023 The American Prize, Choral Performance College/University division (larger program) competition.

brass players on stage

The ‘Boston Pops’ of brass bands headlines Fredonia holiday pops

An ensemble often referred to as “the Boston Pops of brass bands” will take the stage of King Concert Hall for Rockefeller Arts Center’s annual...

cast of show

Mainstage Series offers world premiere of work by Fredonia student playwright

The Walter Gloor Mainstage Series continues at SUNY Fredonia with the world premiere of a dramedy from a Fredonia student playwright.

author and director standing in doorway holding scripts

Student playwright turns her own life experience into new dramedy

The next offering in the Walter Show Mainstage Series at SUNY Fredonia will be the premiere of a dramedy (a play that that combines elements...

characters Frosty and Billy on stage

Fredonia family series features holiday production by storied theater company

Making it home for the holidays will be the theme of the next Kaleidoscope Family Series event at SUNY Fredonia as Rockefeller Arts Center presents...