Order your flowers today to help in the fight against cancer. Place an order by Feb. 14 with Karen Begier (Student Accounts, 309 Maytum Hall, ext. 3236); Judy Langworthy (Accounting, 401 Maytum Hall, ext. 3467); or Barbara Yochym (Educational Development Program, E286 Thompson Hall, ext. 3317). Payment is required in advance. Checks may be made payable to the American Cancer Society. Deliveries will be made the week of March 10.
Bunches: $10 (10 daffodils per bunch)
Potted Plants: $10 (3-4 daffodil bulbs in a pot)
Gift of Hope: $20 (Gift of flowers are delivered to a local health care facility)
Bear and a Bunch: $25 (10 daffodils and a teddy bear) - supplies limited
Bear Gift of Hope to a Pediatric Oncology unit: $25