The second Social Science Colloquium of the fall semester will be held Wednesday, Oct. 27, at noon in W231 Thompson Hall. It will be led by James Hurtgen, a Distinguished Teaching Professor in the department of Political Science. The title of his talk is, "Is There an Architecture of Democracy? The New Urbanism and the Search for Community in America."
Dr. Hurtgen has been a faculty member at SUNY Fredonia since 1971. He chaired the department of Political Science for eight years and also served as Dean of Liberal Studies. He teaches political philosophy, law and American politics. Hurtgen has also received the SUNY Chancellor’s Award for Excellence in Teaching.
Hurtgen will discuss how new urbanists argue that restoration of traditional patterns of town design will revive communities in America and restore democracy. This will happen by encouraging people to reconnect with each other as neighbors and citizens, thus, rebuilding the social capital on which real democracy depends. There is, then, an architecture of democracy, which presents the question, will restoring the American village according to the principles of new urbanism enliven democracy by reviving the sense of community among Americans?
The Social Science Colloquium is coordinated by Jack Croxton, professor of Psychology, and sponsored by the Dean of the College of Arts and Sciences. Pizza and beverages will be provided, and students, faculty and members of the community are welcome to attend this free event.