From giving loans and scholarships to Fredonia students to promoting local economic development and holding reunions for Fredonia graduates all over the U.S., the activities of the University Advancement division in the past year (2008-09) are now posted online in an executive summary. The report details major accomplishments for the year in three major areas: Alumni Affairs, Public Relations, and Development.
Some of the year's highlights were giving $1.4 million in scholarships and grants to the university, raising $2 million in private gifts, dedicating the Carnahan-Jackson Center for Learning and Scholarship in Reed Library, and marking a total of nearly $9 million toward the $15 million goal of the Doors to Success capital campaign.
The summary also includes information on the boards for the Fredonia College Foundation and the Alumni Association.
The Division of University Advancement is charged with creating and strengthening SUNY Fredonia's relationships with important partners. The Development and Alumni Affairs areas coordinate outreach activities and initiatives with friends and donors, as well as Fredonia's more than 38,000 alumni. Through governmental relations efforts, the division works strategically with elected officials at the county, state and federal levels of government to maximize funding opportunities for the university. The Public Relations department manages the flow of information between the university and a variety of internal and external audiences. It includes, but is not limited to, media relations, community relations, publications, and student/employee relations activities, and supports the efforts of alumni and governmental relations as well as development.