Trinity Episcopal Church, 11 Day Street, Fredonia, 716-679-7901. Free monthly College Kitchen meals for university students throughout the academic year. Visit for specific dates/times.
Westfield Food Pantry, 101 East Main Street, Westfield , Phone: 716-326-3243. Open Tuesday from 1-2:30pm, and Wednesday-Friday, 9am-3pm. They also provide meals.
Brocton Portland Food Pantry, 7063 West Main Road, Portland, Phone: 716-326-2492. Open Tuesday and Thursday from 1-4pm.
Cassadaga Food Pantry, 25 Maple Ave, Cassadaga, Phone: 716-595-8718. Open Thursday 8am-noon, other days by appointment/emergency need.
Salvation Army, 704 Central Ave, Dunkirk, Phone: 716-366-3701. Delivery only, Monday-Friday. Call to schedule delivery.
St. Elizabeth Ann Seton, 366 Washington Ave, Dunkirk, Phone: 716-366-1750. Open Wednesdays from 3-7pm.
Chautauqua County Rural Ministries, 319 Washington Ave, Dunkirk, Phone: 716-366-2230. Open Monday-Friday from 9am-5pm. Food pantry and hot meals with meals served on weekends.
Neighbor to Neighbor Food Pantry, 9495 Prospect Road, Forestville, Phone: 716-257-6081. Open Tuesday from 9am-5pm and other days by appointment.
Forestville Food Pantry, 3 Park Street, Forestville, Phone: 716-965-2655. Open Thursday from 10am-4pm.
Ripley Food Pantry, 14 North State Street, Ripley, Phone: 716-736-4386. Open Tuesday from 2-4pm and Saturday 10am to noon.
Fredonia Presbyterian Church , 219 Central Ave, Fredonia, Phone: 716-679-1501. Open on the third Saturday of every month from 10am-noon.
Student Health Center
LoGrasso HallState University of New York at FredoniaFredonia, NY 14063