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Hi there! If you are new to this website or to filling out Event Worksheets, here are a few housekeeping items:

  1. It is required for all clubs to fill out enough Event Worksheets to fill their quota. The amount of event worksheets that need to be completed depends on the status of your club. For example, Endorsed clubs are only required to turn in 1 Event Worksheet per year, while Constituted groups are required to fill out 8 per year (see below for your clubs quota).
  2. All events must be open to the entire campus. Activities/outings for club members only do not count toward your quota.
  3. All groups have the full academic year (beginning in the fall) to fulfill their event quota.
  4. Event Worksheets must be turned in NO LATER than 10 days after your event has happened. Try and get them done earlier than later!
  5. If your groups’ event quota is not filled by the end of the spring semester, your group will be forwarded to court in the following Fall.

If you have any questions or concerns, feel free to e-mail me ( Enjoy the rest of your semester, you got this!

-SA Vice President

Student Association (SA)

  • 280 Central Ave. S226A-B, S227 Williams Center State University of New York at Fredonia Fredonia, NY 14063

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