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How can you get support for your FRED Laptop?

If you need help with your laptop or have other technical issues, please contact ITS.

ITS Service Center
W203 Thompson Hall
Monday - Thursday: 8am - 8pm
Friday: 8am - 4:30pm
Saturday & Sunday: 12pm - 5pm

ResNet Office
W203 Thompson Hall
Monday -  Friday: 8am - 4:30pm
Saturday & Sunday: Closed

Quick Start Digital Tools
This resource is meant to provide a quick orientation for students to Fredonia's critical digital tools that are necessary for online success at the University. These resources represent the building blocks of your digital identities (e.g. Fredonia ID and eServices account), critical tools for remote learning, and the different ways to get assistance if you run into any issues.

What Software is Available?
There are many pieces of software that are available to you at no cost which includes Microsoft Office. All of this software and how to install it can be found here.

Wireless networks
Instructions on how to connect to the eduroam wireless connection

Gaming systems and other multi-media devices
Connect to FredMedia by following these instructions.

What are the best security practices?

  1. Antivirus Software: You should make sure to turn on/install any antivirus software. If you have a Windows machine, you can simply make sure Windows Defender is on and up to date. If you are using an Apple machine, you will want to see what third party software would work best for you.
  2. Create a strong password: You will also want to make sure that your machine is password protected using an uncommon password that is different from other passwords that you use. Using a passphrase with different types of characters is best practice.
  3. Backup your information: You will want to make sure that you keep a backup of your information in case something happens to the machine. With your Fredonia email, you have limited space on Google Drive and you also have a fully encrypted U:/ Drive that is accessible from on-campus computers (e.g. computer labs). This is a great way to backup your machine!
  4. Do not download illegally: It is not safe to download items illegally and is against the Fredonia Acceptable Use Policy which can be viewed here:

FLP Loaner Program
When an FLP laptop has to be sent out for warranty repairs, the student is able to receive a loaner laptop from the ITS Service Center while their laptop is being repaired.

For instruction on printing from your laptop

More information about the program

ITS Service Center

  • W203 Thompson Hall State University of New York at Fredonia Fredonia, NY 14063