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To do your best academically, it helps to be and feel your best. To be and feel your best, it helps to have easy access to resources that address the various challenges you may encounter. 

The following resource list should help you not only to identify different forms of support, but also to choose the modality you are most comfortable with, whether that’s on campus, in the community, remotely, or online.

On-Campus Resources

General Assistance

Resident Assistants and Directors

For students living on campus, often the fastest way to identify the right resources for your needs is to ask a member of the Residence Life staff, from the Resident Director of your hall to the Resident Assistant on duty. RDs and RAs are trained to respond to many types of situations and crises. See Residence Life Contact Information.

Department of Student Wellness and Support

Includes the Counseling Center, Health Center, Disability Support Services, and Prevention, Advocacy, and Wellness Outreach Services (PAWS). The department aims to create an environment that promotes student fulfillment and growth, both personally and academically. Through free, confidential services, SWS offers guidance and support for navigating the challenges of college life.

Care Coordination

Enhances student success by identifying needs, removing barriers and reducing distress. Care Coordination helps students manage life stressors that can impact academics and personal well-being. After receiving a referral for services, the office helps students through a variety of interventions, university services, community referrals and case management. The Care Coordinator can be contacted in Lograsso Hall, 716-673-3424 or by email at

Students of Concern Team

Concerned about a student? Click here. For emergencies 24/7, contact University Police at 716-673-3333.

Academic Support Services 

Academic Advising Services

Academic Advising, on the 4th floor of Reed Library, empowers students in the development of meaningful educational plans that are consistent with their academic, personal, and professional goals through direct service to the student and collaboration with faculty, staff, and other campus resources. Visit the 4th floor of Carnahan-Jackson in Reed Library, email or call 716-673-3188.  

Disability Support Services (DSS)

DSS is on the 4th floor of Reed Library, provides both academic services and non-academic accommodations such as housing, meal plans and snow removal. All accommodations are determined on a case-by-case, course-by-course and semester-by-semester basis. Please contact the DSS office by phone, 716-673-3270, or via email,

Tutoring Services

Tutoring Services offers free, confidential, peer tutoring for Fredonia students. Tutoring is available in most subject areas and is on a drop-in basis. That means you don't need to sign-up or schedule an appointment. Just come up to the 4th floor of the Reed Library during regularly scheduled hours. Music tutoring is available in Mason Hall Room 2020. Whether you need help passing a class or you're looking to turn a 'B' into an 'A' tutoring can help you be successful. For a complete schedule visit our website /tutoring or email

Full Opportunity Program (FOP)

The Full Opportunity Program (FOP) is located on the 4th floor of Reed Library and provides an array of academic support services for program students.  Students can stop by the FOP Office, room 402B Monday-Friday 9am-4pm, call 716-673-3550 or email kimberly.mead-colegrove@ to connect with services. 

Transfer Student Services

Helps ease the transition process for transfer students through resources, including a transfer mentoring program, special transfer student events, and a transfer student honors society. Call 716-673-4969 or email

Student Medical Health Support Services

Student Health Center 

Located in LoGrasso Hall, the Health Center operates similarly to a medical office and is a good place to start if you have any medical needs.  The office staffs a physician, nurse practitioners, and registered nurses who are able to diagnose and treat illness and injury without your having to leave campus. To contact the Health Center, call 716-673-3131 or email You can access the patient portal, view office hours, and access after-hour resources. (Be sure to consider your individual health insurance when selecting an off-campus provider, urgent care center, or hospital.) 

Student Mental Health and Wellness Services

Counseling Center

Located in LoGrasso Hall, the Counseling Center offers walk-in hours as well as appointments. According to a recent study, "Counseling services have a positive impact on academics, as measured by student self-report: 66.8% of clients stated that counseling services helped with their academic performance."  

Let's Talk

A Counseling Center program for all students that offers informal, no-commitment consultation with a Fredonia counselor in Williams Center S212. "Let's Talk" also conducts various programming throughout the semester, centered around wellness. This program is a collaboration with the Intercultural Center.

Also, everyone at Fredonia has access to a free online free tool called "MyStrength" to help manage stress. Through a grant obtained through Chautauqua Tapestry, students have access to myStrength--a free online tool that teaches skills to reduce stress, improve mood, and overcome other challenges. To access these free tools and resources, visit,  click “Sign Up,” and enter the access code FredoniaBlueDevil for unlimited access to personalized help, including tracking your mood, managing depressive and anxious thoughts, and to access and share inspirations.    

Student Safety: Prevention and Intervention Services

Prevention, Advocacy, and Wellness Services (PAWS)

PAWS provides advocacy and support for Fredonia students on the topics of sexual health, substance abuse, and interpersonal violence. "PAWS" also offers services for individuals who are survivors of rape, sexual assault, dating/domestic violence, stalking, and harassment. "PAWS" can answer questions, be someone to talk to, offer emotional support, and provide referrals. Make an appointment with PAWS in person at the Counseling Center in LoGrasso Hall, by calling the office at 716-673-3424, or by emailing PAWS coordinator

Rave Guardian

RAVE Guardian is a free mobile app that turns any smartphone into a personal safety device, enhancing users’ personal safety both on and off campus. Users can create a profile of information about themselves, and invite family and friends to their safety network.  When needed, the user can request one or more of their Guardians to virtually walk with them on or off campus. It’s like having an emergency blue light system and a trusted friend with you at all times. 

Transportation Services

Services include including a Park and Ride Service, Escort Bus, and Campus-Community Bus, help students to get around campus and the greater community safely and sustainably. 

Student Support for a More Diverse, Equitable, and Inclusive Campus 

Office of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion

An administrative office that handles any questions pertaining to affirmative action, Title IX, ADA compliance, or related matters. The primary goal of the Office of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion is to create a campus climate that is favorable to the development of the human potential of all faculty, staff, administrators, and students. To achieve this goal, the office has three major responsibilities: compliance, equity of services, and diversity. Please contact the DEI office if you have any questions pertaining to affirmative action, Title IX, ADA compliance, or related matters.

Intercultural Center (IC)

IC is available for all students and is designed to provide programming, activities and services around the needs of underrepresented and underserved populations. The Intercultural Center plans and implements educational, cultural, social and recreational presentations on diversity to facilitate cross cultural dialogue for the entire campus at Fredonia. The IC is supported by individual offices including:

IC is located in G106 Williams Center.

  • Intercultural Student Organizations associated with the IC include the African Student Union, Alpha Psi Lambda, Black Student Union, Blue Ice Step Team, Brother 2 Brother, Caribbean Student Association, Enfusion, Fredonia Feminists, Hillel, International Club, Japanese Club, Latinos Unidos, Native American Student Union, and Pride Alliance.
  • IC also offers Let's Talk services in collaboration with the Counseling Center.

Student Support for Financial Wellness and Food Security

Financial Aid

Located in 209 Maytum Hall, Financial Aid can help with the often complex rules and regulations governing any aid you receive. Before you make any changes to your total number of credits per semester, you should contact the office to make sure there is no adverse effect since certain scholarships, including the Excelsior Scholarship, require the recipient to be enrolled in a certain number of credits per semester to remain in good standing. To contact Financial Aid, call 716-673-3253 or email

Student Food Pantry

Student Food Pantry location and hours (during academic year):

  • Tuesdays 11am - 1pm - at FREDDY's Locker in the Williams Center near the Blue Lounge
  • Friday 8am-4pm  - Student Health Center Main Desk in LoGrasso Hall.  You will need your Fredonia ID at the time of your visit.

Student Wellness: Staying Fit, Eating Well, Developing Mindfulness

Exercise is very important to our health, mental health, and well-being. There are many fitness options available on campus, including the Blue Devil Fitness Center, as well as a variety of online options for your convenience.  Please click Exercise Options to access our list of available exercising opportunities. 

Physical Education Courses are offered each semester on topics ranging from Stress Reduction and Yoga to Zumba and Scuba. Check out Current Courses for further information and to find open seats. Did you know you can count up to four credits of PHED courses toward graduation? 

Eat Like a Scholar helps students dining at FSA facilities on campus easily identify the nutritional values of various foods.

Wellness Course Experiences and Workshops are regularly offered on campus. These experiences range from courses, such as PHED 199-03: Mental Health First Aid (1 credit) or PHED 199-02: Stress Management (2 credits), to Wellness Fairs and Talk Saves Lives workshops (an introduction to suicide prevention). For information on what might be currently offered, see Student Wellness & Support.  

  • De-stress for Success. Around Study Week (the week prior to final exams), keep a look out for in-person or virtual De-stress for Success activities. Prior offerings have included pet-and-play opportunities with certified therapy dogs and giveaways of free food, coloring books, and relaxation kits.
  • Honors Wellness Programming. This will change semester to semester. In Spring 2020, Honors offered a session with family psychotherapist Dr. Nichol Eaton on managing stress and developing self-care. A Stress-Away Day with DIY neck warmers and giveaway Zen gardens had to be postponed. To request specific programs, email

Off-Campus Resources

*Please note the university is not endorsing these providers. Be sure to ask providers what health insurance they accept and what copays and/or fees are associated before arranging for service.*

Local Behavioral Health (mental health, substance abuse, medication management)

Please consult: SUNY Fredonia Counseling Center Off-Campus Referral List.

Local Urgent and Emergent Care Facilities

WellNow Urgent Care at 3916 Vineyard Dr., Dunkirk, NY (1.3 miles from campus). Call 716-413-0038 or visit: Dunkirk, NY Urgent Care Clinic.

Brooks Memorial Hospital at 529 Central Avenue, Dunkirk, NY (approx. 2 miles from campus). Call 716-366-1111 or visit  Brooks-TLC Hospital System, Inc.

Westfield Memorial Hospital at 189 E. Main St., Westfield, NY (approx. 15.5 miles from campus).  Call 716-326-4921 or visit Westfield Memorial Hospital.

Transgender Support Services

GLYS of Western New York builds affirming cultures and supportive communities for youth of all sexual orientations, gender identities, and gender expressions. Please contact Transgender Youth | GLYSWNY.

Evergreen Health fosters healthy communities by providing medical, supportive and behavioral services to individuals and families in Western New York — especially those who are living with chronic illness or who are underserved by the healthcare system. Evergreen, which has offices in Buffalo and in Jamestown, as well as rural health clinics, specializes in the health and wellness of transgender and gender expansive individuals. Please visit Evergreen online for further information.

Additional Community Resources: Food Pantries and Clothing Closets

Local Food Pantries are listed here: Student Food Pantry Student and Local Food Pantries.

Chautauqua County Rural Ministry at 319 Washington Avenue, Dunkirk, NY (approx. 2.3 miles from campus). Call 716-366-1787 or view programs at: In addition to the gallery below, they have an emergency food pantry and several other shops, programs, and services.

  • Garment Gallery - at Chautauqua County Rural Ministry. This thrift store offers clothing, personal care items, and household goods (e.g., furniture, exercise equipment) at nominal cost. It also accepts donations of good, gently worn clothing, and household items. Please consider donating items rather than discarding them. Hours: Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, & Friday, 10am-4pm; Wednesday, 10am-5:30pm.

The Salvation Army Family Store & Donation Center at 29 Lake Shore Drive West, Dunkirk, NY (approx. 2.5 miles from campus). Call 716-366-5246. This store accepts donations and also offers clothing, including winter outerwear, and household goods at nominal cost. Hours: Monday-Saturday, 10 am-7 pm.

Remote Services (online or phone)

Wellness and Self-Care Resources

“myStrength” is a versatile, personalized digital platform free to SUNY Fredonia community. For more information, see On-Campus Resources, Counseling Center. Visit, click “Sign Up,” and enter the access code: FredoniaBlueDevil.

Sources of Strength Self-Care Card is a handy resource anyone can use to check in and assess their strengths and needs at any time.

Science of Well-Being is a free, online version of Yale University’s most popular class ever. Visit  Science of Well-Being.

Crisis Services

If you need help dealing with a crisis you or a friend are experiencing, please consult the following for additional resources.

  • Chautauqua County Suicide Prevention and Crisis Hotline
    • 1-800-724-0461
  • Crisis Text Line
    • Text “Help” or “Home” to 741-741  to connect to a trained crisis counselor.
    • Text “Steve” to 741-741 to connect to a culturally trained crisis counselor for young people of color.
  • LGBTQ+ Crisis Line via The Trevor Project
    • The Trevor Project is a national 24-hour toll-free confidential suicide hotline for LGBTQ youth.
    • 1-866-488-7386
  • SUNY Crisis Text Line 
    • Support is just a text away.  This is a free, 24/7 confidential text line.
    • Text “Got5U” to 741-741. 
  • Suicide Prevention Lifeline
  • Red Nacional de Prevencion del Suicidio


Student Wellness and Support

  • 703 Maytum Hall State University of New York at Fredonia Fredonia, NY 14063

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