- Naijia Aarim, History
- Seyed-Mahmoud Aghazadeh, Business Administration
- Ann Aldrich, Finance and Administration
- Ronald J. Ambrosetti, English
- Minda Rae Amiran, English
- Ruth B. Antosh, World Languages and Literatures
- Patricia S. Astry, Biology
- Hollis E. Bahruth, Mathematical Sciences
- Gordon C. Baird, Geology and Environmental Sciences
- John J. Bankosh Jr., Business Administration
- Gary D. Barber, Library
- Betty Barnard, English
- Marilyn A. Barresi, Education
- Richard Bartkowiak, I.T.S. - Enterprise Data and Information Services
- Clara Beier, Education
- Raymond A. Belliotti, Philosophy
- Tracy S. Bennett, Finance and Administration
- Daniel W. Berggren, Communication
- John L. Berkley, Geosciences
- Joy Bilharz, Sociology, Anthropology, Social Work and Criminal Justice
- Thomas Bingham, Music
- Cindy Bird, Education
- Marvin Bjurlin, Visual Arts and New Media
- Carol J. Blanchard-Rocheleau, Theatre and Dance
- Karl E. Boelter, Music
- Donald Bohlen, Music
- Russell Boisjoly, Business Administration
- J. Denis Bolton, Admissions
- Robert A. Booth, Visual Arts and New Media
- Patricia A. Boris, Health Services
- Paul Bowers, Visual Arts and New Media
- James Bowser, Chemistry
- Nancy M. Bowser, Registrar
- Nancy J. Boynton, Mathematical Sciences
- Linda Brigance, Communication
- Carolyn Briggs, Development/College Relations
- Barbara A. Brinson, Music
- George Browder, History
- Maggie Bryan-Peterson, Sponsored Programs and Research
- Carol S. Burdette, Administration
- Joan A. Burke, English
- Ann Burns, University Police
- Frederick Byham, Mathematics
- Roger Byrne, Biology, Academic Affairs
- Mary Carney, Sociocultural and Justice Sciences
- Diana L. Carpus, I.T.S.- Administration
- Thomas V. Castellana, Theatre and Dance
- Tat Hung Chan, Computer and Information Sciences
- Mary Charbonnet, Theatre and Dance
- Joseph C. Chilberg, Communication
- Marianne Chiumento, Field Experiences
- William S. Clark, Admissions
- Sylvia M. Clarke, Environmental Health and Safety
- Mary Marden Cobb, Music
- Gregory B. Cole, Computer and Information Sciences
- Darryl L. Coleman, Library
- Tracy Collingwood, Career Development
- Sandra Colvenback, Finance and Administration
- Michael J. Conley, Learning Center
- Rebecca Ann Conti, Mathematical Sciences
- Patricia J. Corron, Music
- Vincent P. Courtney, Library
- Patrick L. Courts, English
- Sally Crist, I.T.S.- Computing Services
- Jack Croxton, Psychology
- Elizabeth Curtin-O'brien, Admissions
- Michael D. Daley, Human Resources
- Donna M. Danielsen, Field Experiences
- Christine Davis Mantai, Media Relations
- Ann K. Deakin, Geology and Environmental Sciences
- Penelope Deakin, English/Learning Center
- Anne Deming, Foundation
- Robert Deming, English
- L. Michael Dimitri, Student Affairs
- Theresa Dispenza, President’s Office
- Daniel Dobey, Curriculum and Instruction
- Andrea S. Domst, Chemistry
- Linda Dorsten, Sociocultural and Justice Sciences
- Morgan D. Dowd, Political Science
- Cheryl Drout, Psychology
- Wendy S. Dunst, Graduate Studies
- Jennifer Dyck, Psychology
- James East, Music
- Phyllis East, Music
- Gary Eckhart, Theatre and Dance
- Marianne B. Eimer, Library
- Jeanette Morris Ellian, World Languages and Cultures
- Judith Elwinger, Career Development
- Laurie A. Ensign, Human Resources
- Jack T. Ericson, Library
- Diane L. Everett, World Languages and Cultures
- Mario Falcao, Music
- Leonard Faulk Jr., Political Science, Academic Affairs
- Neil Feit, Philosophy
- Patricia Feraldi, Alumni Affairs
- Carl Ferraro, Visual Arts and New Media
- William Foeller, Economics
- Mary Margaret Fogarty, World Languages and Cultures
- Kevin Fox, Biology
- Annette Franklin, Sociocultural and Justice Sciences
- Randolph L. Gadikian, Library
- Vivian Garcia, Advising Center
- Laura M. Geraci, Education
- Christine G. Gerber, Communication Disorders and Sciences
- Thomas Gestwicki, Music
- John Gillette, Music
- Linda M. Gillette, Music
- Richard A. Gilman, Geosciences
- Thomas Goetz, Modern Languages and Literatures
- Richard J. Goodman, Lifelong Learning/International Programs/Economic Development
- Daniel Goodwin, Residence Life
- Betty Catania Gossett, University Advancement
- Michael Grady, Physics/Cooperative Engineering
- William Graebner, History
- Marc Guy, Music
- Joyce Haines, Empire State College
- John A. Hansen, Computer and Information Sciences
- Gregory Harper, Language, Learning and Leadership
- Jean Harper, Mathematical Sciences
- Frederick Harrington, Biology
- William B. Hartley, Business Administration
- Dennis L. Hefner, President, Economics
- Robert L. Heichberger, Education
- David E. Herman, Student Affairs
- Penny Dalton Hite, Applied Professional Studies
- Diane S. Howard, I.T.S.- Enterprise Reporting and Development
- Beth Huerta, World Languages and Cultures
- James Huffman, English
- John Hughson, Visual Arts and New Media
- James Hurtgen, Political Science
- Daniel Ihasz, School Of Music
- Linda S. Ippolito, I.T.S.- Computing Services
- Emily Ivey, Visual Arts and New Media
- James P. Ivey, Theatre and Dance
- Michael Jackino, Facilities Management
- Jane Jackson, Communication
- Harry Jacobson, Music
- Thomas S. Janik, Chemistry and Biochemistry
- Douglas C. Johnson, I.T.S.- Academic Information Technology
- Laura Deen Johnson, Communication
- Jill Johnston, Visual Arts and New Media
- Bruce Johnstone, Music
- William J. Jungels, Communication
- Melinda Karnes, Curriculum and Academic Support
- Jo Ann Kaufman, Library
- John Kijinski, English
- Barry Kilpatrick, School of Music
- Catherine Kilpatrick, Sponsored Programs
- Barbara Kittle, Library
- Ana Maria Klein, Curriculum and Instruction
- Tesfai Klfu, Library
- Karen Klose, I.T.S.- Administration
- Janet Knapp, Educational Development Program
- Jon Kraus, Political Science
- Harold Kwasniewski, University Advancement
- Donald P. Lang, Music
- David L. Larson, Business Administration/Sociology
- Gary G. Lash, Geology and Environmental Sciences
- Edwin D. Lawson, Psychology
- Holly J. Lawson, Chemistry and Biochemistry
- Robert G Lawson, Facilities Management
- Elizabeth Lee, Visual Arts and New Media
- Patricia Lefferts, Purchasing
- Michael Lemieux, Student Engagement
- William Leslie, Mathematics/Computer and Information Sciences
- Kathleen M. Lesniak, Biology Education
- Christopher Lewis, I.T.S.- Academic Information Technology
- Sandra A. Lewis, I.T.S.- Computing Services/Professional Development Center
- Ellen M. Litwicki, History
- Leonore Loft, Modern Languages and Literatures
- Susan Lord, English
- Ann Marie Loughlin, Field Experiences
- Thomas W. Loughlin, Theatre and Dance
- Paula Lucas, College Services
- Kenneth Lucey, Philosophy
- Matthew Ludes, Education
- David Ludlam, Education
- David Lunde, English
- Mary Lee Lunde, Visual Arts and New Media
- Richard O. Lundquist, Business Administration
- Kathleen Magiera, Curriculum and Instruction
- Heidi L. Mahoney, Planning
- Jean M. Malinoski, Development and College Relations
- Barbara Mallette, Language, Learning and Leadership
- Kimberly S. Mancino, School of Music
- Giulio Mannino, Sociology and Anthropology
- Silvia Mannino, Modern Languages and Literatures
- Kenneth E. Mantai, Biology
- Robert Manzella, Speech Pathology and Audiology
- Joanne Martonis, Academic Advising
- Peter G. Mattocks, Physics
- W. Stephen Mayo, Music
- Denise Maze, I.T.S.- Help Desk
- Donald McFarland, Education
- Katherine Leigh McKay, Music
- James E. Mckenna, Mathematical Sciences
- Leanna McMahon, Counseling Center
- Patrick T. McMullen, Music
- Susan McNamara, Business Administration
- Michael Metzger, Finance and Administration
- Jean Michielli-Pendl, Administration
- Kevin L. Michki - Reed Library
- Joni Milgram-Luterman, Music
- Shari Miller, Purchasing
- June Miller-Spann, University Advancement
- Karen Mills-Courts, English
- Carolyn Mooney, Curriculum and Instruction
- Shannon L Moore, College Services
- Alvin H. Morrison, Anthropology
- Gerda Morrissey, Library
- Thomas Morrissey, History
- Charlotte R. Morse, I.T.S.- Academic Information Technology
- Philip S. Morse, Education
- Terence Mosher, English
- William Muller, Political Science
- Raymond Munson, Physical Facilities
- Amy Murrock, Residence Life
- Helen Myers, Theatre and Dance
- Natalie Nazarenko, Computer and Information Sciences
- Sandra Noble - University Accounting/Accounts Payable
- Charles Notaro, Administration
- Michele Notte, Speech Pathology and Audiology
- Richard Notte, Institutional Studies
- John A. Onufrak, Speech Pathology and Audiology
- R. David Palmer, Philosophy
- Amar Parai, Economics
- Jo Ann Parla, Education
- Subra Pendyala, Physics
- Jannis Peterson, Music
- Keith L. Peterson, Music
- Linda N. Phillips, Music
- Andrew F. Pingitore, Mathematical Sciences/Computer and Information Sciences
- James Piorkowski, Music
- Colin M. Plaister, I.T.S.- Academic Information Technology
- Marjorie Plaister, Career Development
- Anne Marie Podolak, Environmental Health and Safety
- Albert Polimeni, Mathematics
- Karen R. Porpiglia, Finance and Administration
- Gregory Prechtl, Athletics and Recreation
- Carol Prevet, Health, Physical Education, Athletics and Dance
- Thomas Prevet, Health, Wellness and Recreation
- William Proweller, Art
- Frank L. Pullano, Music
- W. Dirk Raat, History
- Helen S. Reddy, Curriculum and Instruction
- Richard Reddy, Sociology, Anthropology, Social Work and Criminal Justice
- Stephen Rees, Theatre and Dance
- Daniel Reiff, Visual Arts and New Media
- Jerome Reilly, Athletics and Recreation
- Alberto Rey, Visual Arts and New Media
- Lucille K. Richardson, Music
- Ros Ritchie, Music
- Carmen S. Rivera, World Languages and Culture
- Laurel R. Rivers, Music
- Patrick Rocheleau, Rockefeller Arts Center
- Harold Roeder, Education
- Robert Rogers, Mathematical Sciences
- Susan Royal, Music
- David Rudge, Music
- Mary Sasso, International Programs
- William Schall, Education
- Peter J. Schoenbach, Music
- Paul Schonhart, College Services
- Ted Schwalbe, Communication
- Barbara Servatius, Student Accounts
- Rhea J. Simmons, Language, Learning and Leadership
- Peter Sinden, Sociology
- John S. Slaughter, Psychology
- Joyce H. Smith, Volunteer and Community Services
- Liza N. Smith, Learning Center
- Martha Smith, Revenue Accounting
- Rodney F. Smith, Business Administration
- Gregory Snow, I.T.S. - Academic & Collaborative Technology
- Marion Steese, Education
- Theodore L. Steinberg, English
- B. Joyce Stephens, Sociology/Anthropology
- Raymond Stewart, Music
- Charles L. Stoddart, Language, Learning and Leadership
- Laura Stonefoot, Student Affairs
- Angelika Summerton, Theatre and Dance
- A. Jacqueline Swansinger, History
- Denise Szalkowski, President's Office
- Michael Szocki, Computer and Information Sciences
- Shinobu Takagi, Music
- Valere Thaden, Creative Support Services
- Anna M. Thibodeau, College Of Education
- Harry W. Thomas, I.T.S.- Academic Information Technology
- David M. Tiffany, University Advancement
- Kim L. Tillery, Communication Disorders and Sciences
- Jonathan H. Titus, Biology
- Bruce L. Tomlinson, Biology
- Jacqueline Trace, English
- Daniel M. Tramuta, Student Affairs
- Sally Turner, Counseling Center
- Frederick D. Ullman, I.T.S.- Administration
- James Ulrich, Health, Physical Education, Athletics and Dance
- Melvin Unger, Music
- Michael Vande Velde, I.T.S.- Computing Services
- Laurel Walford, Theatre and Dance
- Arthur Walker, I.T.S.- Academic Information Technology
- Paula S. Warren, Publication Services
- Harry Watters, Residence Life
- Terry L. Weaver, Biology
- Alphonse E. Wedzik, Registrar
- Richard M. Weist, Psychology
- Melinda Wendell, English
- Howard Wescott, Modern Languages and Literatures
- Karen West, University Advancement
- Victoria West, Learning Center
- Clifton Wheeler, University Police
- Marc L. Wilcox, Communication Disorders and Sciences
- Bruce Wilger, I.T.S.- Academic Information Technology
- James A. Will, Mathematical Sciences
- Constance E. Willeford, Music
- Michael P. Wilson, Geosciences
- Ronald Winkler, Facilities Management
- Kenneth G. Wood, Biology
- Jonathan Woolson, Web Team - Marketing and Communications
- Laurence Wyman, Music
- Cynthia Yochym, Reed Library
- Wayne N. Yunghans, Biology
- Sharon Zablotney, Biology
- Catherine Zakrzewski, I.T.S.- Help Desk
- Andrea Zevenbergen, Psychology
- Clark Zlotchew, World Languages and Cultures
- Marilyn Zlotchew, Modern Languages and Literatures