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Policies and Procedures Involving Animal Subjects

The use of animal subjects in scientific and educational activities is governed by professional standards of ethical conduct as well as by federal and state regulations.

Fredonia is committed to humane care of laboratory animals in carrying out teaching, research and training activities. To insure compliance with all regulations and requirements, the Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC) is responsible for protocol review and implementation of campus policies and procedures.

Compliance policies involving animal subjects are currently under review. Contact the G/OSP Office with questions.

Download the IACUC Application PDF


Faculty Procedures:

To expedite review and approval of animal use, researchers must adhere to the following:

  1. The principal investigator (PI) should contact the Animal Room Supervisor Ed McCarrick in the Biology Department 716-673-3282 to discuss plans for the physical requirements of the project. This must be done early in the planning stage and before using ny animals in research or training.
  2. The PI will complete and sign the form "Application for Use of Laboratory Animals in Research or Teaching." (Currently under review)
  3. The PI will provide a description of personnel training or experience relative to animal experimentation along with the background of the responsible investigator in animal experimentation.
  4. Semi-annually, the PI must submit a renewal application of the research and teaching protocol to the IACUC. This report shall describe any changes in the protocol. If there are no changes, a statement shall be made to that effect.
  5. The PI, educator, or course leader will provide instruction to his technical staff and/or students regarding techniques for the animal project and the aspects of humane care and treatment, and will ensure that all technical personnel are familiar with those sections of the NIH Guide that pertain to techniques being employed. See:
  6. A PI whose application is denied may have the option of resubmitting a modified application.

Office of Sponsored Programs

  • Justin J. Couchman, Ph.D., Director of Sponsored Programs 127A Reed Library State University of New York at Fredonia Fredonia, NY 14063