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Audition Details by Instrument or Area of Study

Piano | Collaborative Piano | Voice | Strings | Woodwinds | Brass
Percussion | Conducting - Instrumental | Conducting - Choral


Perform at least three memorized compositions, each representing different periods (one contrapuntal work and at least one sonata movement); and minor scales and arpeggios.

Collaborative Piano

Applicants will find repertoire requirements for auditions here.


Perform five memorized selections, including one opera or oratorio aria, in a minimum of four languages and representing a variety of styles and periods. Recital Track (MM-Music Education) – perform four memorized selections in a minimum of three languages. Appropriate languages are English, German, Italian, French, Russian, and Czech.


Perform several compositions (sonata or concerto movements, or pieces), which demonstrate both technical competence and contrasts of musical style; play scales and arpeggios through three octaves.


Perform at least two movements from each of several different major works selected from contrasting style periods in the standard repertoire for the instrument. An accompanist is preferred, but not required.


Perform two solos, one representative of pre-twentieth century styles and the other from the contemporary period, and several standard orchestral excerpts. The audition may include sight-reading.


Perform solos, two excerpts from the orchestral repertoire, and specific required materials on each of the following: snare drum, mallets, and timpani.

Additional requirements:
Snare drum: in addition to the two excerpts from the orchestral repertoire and solos, everyone will be asked to play from the 26 basic rudiments and sight-read. Solos should reflect 1) a rudimental style with open rolls and precise rudimental stickings and 2) an orchestral-style solo or etude to demonstrate closed orchestral style rolls..

Mallets: in addition to a 2-mallet solo, everyone must play from requested
major and minor scales and major and minor arpeggios, in any form of your choice, for two octaves, and sight-read. Graduate students should prepare both a 2- and a 4-mallet solo and choose two excerpts from the orchestral repertoire, may be one xylophone and one glockenspiel, or two xylophone, etc.

Timpani: in addition to the solo, everyone must demonstrate ability to tune the instruments for the selected solo, using a pitch pipe, tuning fork, or piano to get the pitches. The solo does not have to have tuning changes within the piece. Sight-reading is also required as well as two excerpts from the orchestral repertoire.

Note: Percussion students must bring their own sticks, mallets, and copies of music to the audition. Students are encouraged to communicate with Dr. Stonefelt in preparation for the audition for clarification of the materials and procedures in any of the three percussion areas. Call 716-673-5832 or email We welcome both in-person and virtual auditions.

Conducting: Instrumental

Candidates will conduct a rehearsal of the College Symphony Orchestra, Wind Ensemble or other curricular wind ensemble, which will include two compositions as listed below:
1. A composition representing the classical period (i.e., a Mozart, Haydn or early Beethoven symphony or the closest equivalent band literature).
2. A composition representing the Romantic period (i.e., a movement of a Dvorak, Brahms or Tchaikovsky symphony, or the closest equivalent in band literature).
The candidate should be prepared to submit three compositions for each of the above from which the committee will choose the literature to be rehearsed. If the candidate wishes to use music available at Fredonia, she/he should be certain to determine that the literature is in the School of Music Ensemble Library. The candidate must check directly with Dr. Paula Holcomb or Dr. Emily Schaad. In dealing with the literature in the audition rehearsal, the candidate should display a considerable knowledge of instrumental techniques and rehearsal procedure.

Conducting: Choral

The on site audition will consist of:

1) Interview with the Coordinator of Choral Ensembles
2)  Performance of a prepared piece in the applicant's field, piano or vocal
3) Demonstration of vocal sight reading skills
4) Fifteen minute audition with a Fredonia select choral ensemble of two pieces of contrasting styles. Pieces will be determined in consultation with Coordinator of Choral Ensembles and applicant. In dealing with the literature in the audition rehearsal, the candidate should display a considerable knowledge of diction, vocal technique and rehearsal procedure.


Prospective students must present a portfolio (tapes, CDs, scores, papers, analyses, etc.) to be examined by the Coordinator of Music Theory or Composition or her/his designee. In the case of applicants who are unable to arrange a visit to campus, the portfolio must be submitted by mail. A personal interview may be requested; acceptance of application without an interview will be at the discretion of the Coordinator of Music Theory or Composition.

A complete graduate application packet must be on file in the Office of Graduate Studies for acceptance in any graduate degree program.


Music Education:
Contact Dr. Christian Bernhard, Chair of Music Education and Music Therapy

Music Performance - Conducting:
Dr. Paula Holcomb, Director of Bands, Dr. Emily Schaad, Director of Orchestras, or Dr. Vernon Huff, Director of Choral Ensembles

Music Performance - Voice or Instrumental:
Contact Dr. Andrew Seigel, Chair of Music Performance

Contact Dr. Gordon Root, Theory Area Head, or Dr. Rob Deemer, Music Composition Area Head

Music Therapy:
Contact Dr. Heeyoun Cho, Music Therapy Area Head

Collaborative Piano:
Contact Dr. Anne Kissel, Head of Collaborative Piano

Graduate Programs Information

School of Music Office

  • Mason Hall State University of New York at Fredonia Fredonia, NY 14063

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