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EOP Application Process

Students applying for EOP must complete the SUNY Application (State University of New York Application for Undergraduate Admission). Both first-year and transfer applicants to EOP may waive the $50 fee. If a student is found ineligible, or if the choice of college does not offer EOP, the student will be billed for the fee. Students may apply online, an especially convenient option for seeking admission to Fredonia. Once the application has been received, Fredonia's admissions committee will review it and may request additional information before reaching a decision. Items needed to complete an application are:

  • Eligibility information form -- Download Eligibility Information Form 
  • high school transcript or GED
  • Income verification (e.g., signed copies of federal parents' taxes and student's taxes (if filed), including W-2 forms, etc.)
  • IF APPLICABLE, download the Public Assistance Benefits Verification form
  • If taxes are not filed, then you will need to submit a social security statement, social services statement, etc.
  • If applicable a notarized letter stating child support received (SAMPLE)

Check out SUNY's website for current EOP admission and economic guidelines.

Please Note:

Many students are faced with financial and academic obstacles that have not allowed them to maximize their academic potential. Historically, the program has given priority to applicants with chronicled disadvantaged backgrounds. Eligibility is based in part on each applicant's:

  • High School Average - generally range from 76-85
  • Standardized test scores (SAT or ACT) - generally range from 800-1,000 SATs
  • Class rank, and the difficulty of the curriculum studied

Evidence still shows that these criteria may not accurately predict the academic potential of certain students. In conjunction with these issues, information regarding the following factors will be considered to determine eligibility status for admission:

  • Extracurricular activities (i.e. community service, leadership, etc.)
  • Employment
  • Any experiences that affected academic performance

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When transferring into Fredonia's EOP program, a student must submit documentation to verify that they met economic and academic guidelines when they were first admitted to a college. Students are asked to have their current college's EOP director complete this form:

Contact Us!

If you are new to the college process, some of this information may seem confusing.
Email questions to or call us at 716-673-3317. You may also call directly to the Admissions Office 716-673-3251.

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Educational Opportunity Program (EOP) Office

  • E284 Thompson Hall State University of New York at Fredonia Fredonia, NY 14063

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