Study Hall
Study Hall is one part of EOP’s student support services. Providing a structured study time, students may complete their study hall hours in the EOP computer lab during the day or during evening hours in designated areas. EOP students monitor the evening study halls.
These study sessions provide our students with the opportunity to complete homework assignments, write papers, and prepare for exams in an environment that is free of distractions and conducive to improving their academic standing. Regardless of whether students are required to attend, we encourage all of our students to take advantage of study hall. We have found that students adjust well and see the benefits of having this structured system of studying and how it reflects in their grades.
All students must adhere to college policies, standards, and procedures which have been established in regard to academic progress, probation, and dismissal. These standards and conditions are outlined and defined in the college catalog. The Educational Development Program has established added guidelines for academic progress in an attempt to identify and provide guidance to our students who are experiencing academic difficulty which could lead to dismissal. All EOP students are expected to maintain an average level of academic achievement (2.0 cumulative GPA).
Students must adhere to a probation contract designed by their counselor and/or the student's department. The contract is signed by the student upon review. Contract guidelines vary with each individual and the severity of the academic record. Probation contracts may require mandatory tutoring and/or coursework, more frequent counselor visitations, and attendance at group counseling sessions. Minimum semester grade requirements for obtaining an average level (2.0 cumulative GPA) of achievement are established in each contract. If the student does not sign the contract or adhere to guidelines agreed upon once the contract has been signed, the student is then subject to review by the director of the Educational Development Program. Support may then be relinquished when the academic record becomes so irreparable that dismissal is recommended. Students who are nearing probationary status are given an Academic Warning contract as a cautionary reminder.
Here's a list of the services EOP has to offer. Click on the link for details.