Dr. Mark Nickerson
Dr. Mark Nickerson
As part of its Entrepreneurial Education Program, the Fredonia Technology Incubator will present a building a budget workshop to be conducted by School of Business Lecturer Mark Nickerson, on Wednesday, Oct. 26, from 11 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.
Dr. Nickerson will discuss how to build and maintain budgets for small business and personal finances at the workshop, which is free and open to the public. Refreshments will be served.
The incubator is located at 214 Central Ave., Dunkirk. To register, visit online. For more information, contact the incubator at 716-680-6009 or email.
Nickerson, a Certified Public Accountant, personal financial specialist and owner of Mark Nickerson CPA PLLC, has over 18 years of experience working with small businesses and startups, and is also a client at the incubator.
An economic development program of SUNY Fredonia, the incubator works with external partners to promote economic growth by supporting entrepreneurship and development of new, innovative companies into successful business ventures. It provides administrative and business services, mentoring, networking, professional consulting, education opportunities such as workshops, as well as access to capital and work ready space.
For more information about incubator visit the website, find them on Twitter @Tech_Incubator, or on Instagram @fredtechincbtr. Recordings of previous professional workshops are also available online on YouTube.