Miles Calloway
Miles Calloway
Miles Calloway, a senior majoring in Computer Science from Eden, presented his research project, “Towards a Deep Learning Based Code Scoring Technique Using Tokenization,” at the 2023 Conference on Instruction & Technology held at SUNY Oswego in May.
A large dataset consisting of publicly available repositories from Github, a platform and cloud-based service for software development, was utilized by Mr. Calloway for deep learning. His project was completed in CSIT 499: Senior Project, mentored by Department of Computer and Information Sciences Assistant Professor Syed Ali Haider in the Fall 2022 semester.
The eventual goal of Calloway’s project is to grade a piece of code on its quality and accuracy on a predefined scale, thereby aiding teachers and project managers in reviewing code.
“Miles did a fantastic job at formulating a solution to the problem of grading computer programs,” Dr. Haider said. “Presenting research work at the conference gave him confidence about his work, improved his presentation skills and also allowed him to show his work to others from the field. The comments made by the audience will help him improve his work in the future projects,” he added.
The theme of the conference was “Rooted and Rising: Exploring the Shifting Landscape of Higher Ed.”
CIT focuses on advances in the use of technology for improving teaching and learning. The work focuses on grading computer programs (especially those submitted by students) using natural language processing techniques. CIT, SUNY’s largest and most prominent event on instructional technology in education, was established in 1992.