The comedy/drama “Wonder Boys,” which stars Michael Douglas as a college professor who suffers from writer’s block and struggles to deal with the pressures of his complex love life, will be shown as part of the Convocation film series “Ivory Tower Misfits. Images of Higher Education and College Professors in Hollywood Films” on Thursday, Feb. 6, at Williams Center Room S204.
Associate Professor Ros Smith of the Department of Communication and Associate Professor Bob Dahlgren of the Department of Curriculum and Instruction, will present the film that was released in 2000 and nominated for an Academy Award for Best Writing. It was photographed in Pittsburgh, Pa., and includes locations at Carnegie Mellon University, the University of Pittsburgh and Shady Side Academy.
The late film critic Roger Ebert praised “Wonder Boys” as “the most accurate movie about campus life that I can remember.” It conveys two things, Ebert said: students come and go, but faculty actually live there, and many faculty members stay stuck in graduate-student mode for decades.
The screening at 7:30 p.m. is free and open to the public. A short discussion led by Ms. Smith will follow the film. Free popcorn will be furnished.