Dr. Jesse Norris
Dr. Jesse Norris
Associate Professor of Criminal Justice Jesse J. Norris, of the Department of Sociocultural and Justice Sciences, authored an article showing that of the 595 homicides of police officers by civilians between 2008 and 2021, 12 percent had some evidence of ideological motivations.
The largest number of the ideologically-motivated homicides were motivated by far-right extremist beliefs, and there was no significant increase in ideological homicides of police officers after the rise of movements for police reform such as the Black Lives Matter movement.
The article, "A Closer Look at the Alleged 'War on Cops': Post-Ferguson Trends in Ideologically-Motivated Homicides of Police Officers, 2008–2021," was published in Police Quarterly.
Dr. Norris also recently published another article, "'If Abortions Aren't Safe, Neither Are You:' A Mixed-Method Study of Jane's Revenge and Other Post-Dobbs Militancy," in Journal for Deradicalization, which examined 152 criminal incidents that occurred in reaction the Supreme Court ruling overturning Roe v. Wade.
This included analysis of the communiques sent by groups claiming responsibility for attacks.