Drs. So-Jin Yu, Matthew Purtill and Lee Golembiewski
Drs. So-Jin Yu, Matthew Purtill and Lee Golembiewski
A unique look into very specific topics within accounting, geology and psychology will be presented by SUNY Fredonia faculty in the third part of the “Curious and Creative Conversation” series.
Featured faculty and their research projects for the Wednesday, March 20, session, to be held at 10 a.m. in the Reed Library garden area, are:
• School of Business Assistant Professor So-Jin Yu, “Public Accounting Firms: Are Emily and Gregg (Still) More Employable than Lakisha and Jamal?”
• Department of Geology and Environmental Sciences Associate Professor Matthew Purtill, “You Found What? 500-Year-Old Poop & Precontact Native American Sanitation Practice.”
• Department of Psychology Assistant Professor Lee Golembiewski, “Experiences of Sexual Minority College Students: Mental Health and Social Support.”
In 15-minute segments, each faculty member will discuss the value of various research and creative activity and considers ways in which each views their respective fields intersecting. A question and answer session will conclude the program.
The four-part series is sponsored by the Office of Student Creative Activity and Research.
Guests are invited to attend the series to learn about outcomes resulting from scholarship and creative activity in various fields and consider how scholarly and creative work varies from discipline to discipline.
To register to attend the March 20 presentation and to obtain more information about the entire series and additional OSCAR events, click on the OSCAR events link