Jerry Reilly at work at the annual Pink the Rink game.
Jerry Reilly at work at the annual Pink the Rink game.
There’s an emergency need at the American Red Cross for blood, so Fredonia students, faculty and staff are asked to roll up their sleeves at a blood drive to be held in the Williams Center Multipurpose Room on Monday, Feb. 14, from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.
The Fredonia State Student Athlete Advisory Committee (SAAC) will be sponsoring the Blood Drive in honor of longtime Sports Information Director Jerry Reilly, who retired this fall due to a leukemia diagnosis. Reilly has experienced challenges in getting the blood and platelets he needs during his treatment.
"I am flattered that SAAC is sponsoring this blood drive," said Reilly. "I have been a patient at Roswell Park Cancer Institute since last July, most recently as an out-patient, and have needed numerous transfusions after each round of chemotherapy. Unfortunately there were times that I could not be given a transfusion because of a blood shortage throughout Western New York."
Donations can be made between 10 a.m. and 4 p.m. Those planning on a donation are asked to schedule a time online to ensure they will be able to make the donation.
The link above also lists other dates and times to make a donation in this community if unable to donate on Monday.
Each person that donates will also receive a $10 Amazon Gift Card.