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Dr. Jesse Norris

Journal article by Norris studies ideology of police officer murders

Associate Professor of Criminal Justice Jesse J. Norris authored an article showing that of the 595 homicides of police officers by civilians between 2008 and...

Abigail Tartaro and FOP Director Kim Mead-Colegrove

Tartaro named Honors Student of the Month

Abby Tartaro, a participant in the Full Opportunity Program (FOP) and the Fredonia Honors Program, is the recipient of the February 2023 Honors Student of...

Dr. Jesse Norris

Norris comments on ‘entrapment as a defense’ carried on NPR

A recent news segment on National Public Radio’s “All Things Considered” that examined verdicts in the trial of four men charged with plotting to kidnap...

Associate Professor Kate Mahoney and Assistant Professor Jessica Finkeldey

Finkeldey, Mahoney named 2022 SUNY Online Teaching Ambassadors

Associate Professor Kate Mahoney and Assistant Professor Jessica Finkeldey have been designated 2022 SUNY Online Teaching Ambassadors, an honor that recognizes exemplary online educators who...

The Honorable Trini Ross

Ross named featured speaker for morning Commencement ceremony

State University of New York at Fredonia alumna Trini Ross, the United States Attorney for the Western District of New York, will deliver the Commencement...

Dr. Michael Aiello

Aiello journal article examines police recruitment

Department of Sociocultural and Justice Sciences Assistant Professor Michael Aiello wrote an article, “Procedural Justice and Demographic Diversity: A Quasi-Experimental Study of Police Recruitment,” published...

Trini Ross

Alumna confirmed as U.S. Attorney for the Western District of New York

Trini Ross, a SUNY Fredonia alumna of the Class of 1988, was confirmed by the U.S. Senate by voice vote late Thursday night (Sept. 30)...

Trini Ross

President Biden announces SUNY Fredonia alumna Trini Ross as nominee to serve as U.S. Attorney

President Joseph Biden has announced eight nominees to serve as U.S. Attorneys across the country, including State University of New York at Fredonia alumna Trini...

Assistant Professor Michael Clarkson-Hendrix

Faculty member receives sub-grant for student leadership program in addiction services

The Chautauqua Addiction Services Leadership Development Program will recruit three cohorts of highly qualified SUNY Fredonia Social Work and Jamestown Community College Human Services and...

Dr. Jessica Finkeldey

Sociologist has article published in professional journal

Department of Sociocultural and Justice Sciences Assistant Professor Jessica Finkeldey co-authored, "Self-Reported Experiences and Consequences of Unfair Treatment by Police," an article forthcoming in the...