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Dr. Jesse Norris

Faculty member lead author on article

Criminal Justice Associate Professor Jesse Norris was the lead author on an article addressing political violence.

Dr. Jesse Norris

Norris has article published

Department of Sociocultural and Justice Sciences Associate Professor Jesse Norris published an article in the Journal for Deradicalization, “Could the Futility of Terrorism Inspire Deradicalization...

Lauren Poplawski (left) displays the certificate she received from Chautauqua Hall Residence Director Donna “DG” Good.

Lauren Poplawski named January/February ‘Student of the Month’

The Office of Residence Life has named Lauren Poplawski, a senior majoring in Criminal Justice with a minor in Psychology from LaFayette, NY, as the...

Shabaka Shakur, Criminal Justice major, Sociology major

Man wrongly convicted of double homicide to give talk in Brown Bag Lunch series

Shabaka Shakur, who was found guilty of a double homicide in 1989 and then exonerated in 2015, will give a talk, “Let’s Talk Wrongful Convictions,”...

Dr. Jesse Norris

Norris comments on ‘entrapment as a defense’ carried on NPR

A recent news segment on National Public Radio’s “All Things Considered” that examined verdicts in the trial of four men charged with plotting to kidnap...

drawing of a brown lunch bag

Alumna to share how pandemic has changed higher education in Brown Bag talk

Olivia Hunt, who navigated the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic in higher education as a student at SUNY Fredonia and is now an intern at...

Dr. Michael Aiello

Aiello journal article examines police recruitment

Department of Sociocultural and Justice Sciences Assistant Professor Michael Aiello wrote an article, “Procedural Justice and Demographic Diversity: A Quasi-Experimental Study of Police Recruitment,” published...

Dr. Jessica Finkeldey

Sociologist has article published in professional journal

Department of Sociocultural and Justice Sciences Assistant Professor Jessica Finkeldey co-authored, "Self-Reported Experiences and Consequences of Unfair Treatment by Police," an article forthcoming in the...

Patrick Johnson

Next Brown Bag talk to explore healthcare in U.S. jails

Department of Sociocultural and Justice Sciences Lecturer Patrick Johnson will present “A Discussion on the Healthcare System in America’s Jails” on April 7.

Dr. Jessica Finkeldey

Finkeldey research examines gambling disorder-criminal behavior association

Department of Sociocultural and Justice Sciences Assistant Professor Jessica Finkeldey and two fellow researchers generated valuable insight into the association between problem gambling and criminal...