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scene from documentary

Brown Bag series to bring independent filmmaker of ‘Qatar Stars’ to campus

The filmmaker behind “Qatar Stars” – a documentary about girlhood in Qatar – will speak at the next Brown Bag Lunch.

Dr. Christopher Puglisi

Brown Bag talk to focus on personal and community well-being

A SUNY Fredonia mental health counseling team will present a Brown Bag Lunch talk focusing on personal and community well-being.

photo of Mark Geise at his desk

Brown Bag talk to explore economic development in the county

Economic development in Chautauqua County will be examined in the final Brown Bag talk of the fall semester.

Brown Bag series artwork

Brown Bag talk to examine how armed conflict affects animal populations in Iraq

The impact armed conflict has on the animal world in Iraq will be discussed in the next Brown Bag Lecture.

Dr. Miroslawa Wielopolska-Szymura

Function of international radio broadcasting in global communication to be examined in Brown Bag talk

International radio broadcasting and the role it plays in global communication will be examined by Dr. Miroslawa Wielopolska-Szymura in the Brown Bag Talk on Wednesday...

Dr. Joseph Marques

Multilateralism in a divisive world topic of next ‘Brown Bag’ talk

“Challenges of Multilateralism in a Divisive World - The View from Geneva” is the topic Dr. Joseph Marques, a lecturer at Webster University Geneva, will...

Dr. Angela McGowan-Kirsch and Dr. Susan Spangler

Brown Bag series continues Wednesday

The Brown Bag lunch series continues its academic year theme of, “Gradually, then Suddenly: Understanding Change,” on Wednesday, March 6 at noon.

Dr. Allison Krycik

Brown Bag speaker to examine harmful algal blooms

Harmful algal blooms – how they’re formed and ultimately impact human, pet and wildlife health – will be explored by Visiting Assistant Professor Allison Hrycik...

Dr. Amy Schiller

Brown Bag talk to explore shift in philanthropy

"Gradually, then suddenly: How techno-optimism took over philanthropy," the next Brown Bag Lecture, will be given by Dr. Amy Schiller, a visiting scholar at Dartmouth...

illustration of brown lunch bag

Brown Bag lunch addresses changing climate

“Understanding Today's Changing Climate: Learning from Past Environmental Archives,” the April Brown Bag luncheon presentation, is slated for Wednesday, April 5, at noon in Williams...