Dr. Joseph Marques
Dr. Joseph Marques
“Challenges of Multilateralism in a Divisive World - The View from Geneva” is the topic Dr. Joseph Marques, a lecturer at Webster University Geneva, will explore in the next Brown Bag Lecture series.
The talk, which is free and open to the public, will be presented via Zoom on Wednesday, April 3, from noon to 1 p.m., in Williams Center Room S204. Dr. Marques will present his talk from his office in Switzerland. Opening remarks will be given by Dr. Ivani Vassoler, who is coordinator of the International Studies program at SUNY Fredonia.
Dr. Marques teaches global governance, Latin American politics, global cities, climate change and migration at the Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies at Geneva. He previously served as a visiting research scholar at the Centre for Latin American Studies at the University of Oxford and at the Brazil Institute at King’s College, London, England.
Marques worked previously as an international banker with several postings around the world and he is a member of the editorial board of Conjuntura Austral - Journal of the Global South and a frequent consultant for several political risk and advisory organizations.
The theme of the year’s Brown Bag series is “Gradually then Suddenly: Understanding Change.”
Brown Bag talks are conducted by the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences and supported by the Carnahan Jackson Fund for the Humanities of the Fredonia College Foundation. Food and refreshments will be provided by the Faculty Student Association.