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player Avril King on tennis court

Devils nearly sweep Behrend

Anna Chiacchia and Avril King did not lose a set as the Fredonia State women's tennis team soundly defeated Penn State Behrend, 8-1, on Sept...

student orders at kiosk at Willy Cs

High-tech Willy C’s, new Williams Center food court, opens

A warm and more inviting atmosphere. Quicker and more efficient service. That’s what students, faculty and staff will, ah, “relish,” on their first visit to...

Interim President Hefner with Resident Assistants

Bleeding Control Kits to be placed across the campus

Fredonia is launching Stop-The-Bleed, a program that provides tools and information so bystanders can learn how to assess and stop traumatic blood loss in an...

American Democracy Project logo

Constitution Day panel to examine Impeachment Clause

The checks and balances of government and the Impeachment Clause, Article II of the U.S. Constitution, will be discussed by members of the Chautauqua County...

student at Activities Night holding sign

Get to know student clubs, organizations at Activities Night

Students, especially those new to Fredonia, will have an opportunity to get to know more than 170 clubs and organizations at Activities Night on Wednesday...

Cameron Kasky (by Michael Kandel, courtesy of BBYO)

Kasky tapped as Maytum Convocation Lecturer

Activist and advocate Cameron Kasky will be the 2019-2020 Maytum Convocation Lecturer and Williams Visiting Professor. His presentation, “Be the Change: Tools for a Movement”...

members of Sō Percussion

Innovative ensemble Sō Percussion to present concert, master class

The world-renowned Sō Percussion, an ensemble that creates and presents new collaborative works, will perform a public concert at Rosch Recital Hall on Wednesday, Sept...

Aidan Pollard (42) was Fredonia State's top finisher during the men's 6k Saturday.

Invitational opens Fredonia State home campaign

The first home event of Fredonia State's 2019-20 athletic year was held Saturday as three SUNYAC schools, including the Blue Devils, completed in the annual...

Jackson Retzer (left) (Ron Szot photo)

Retzer stays hot as Devils blank Baruch, 1-0

If you can make it there, you can make it anywhere. That might be the tune for Fredonia State's Jackson Retzer after his weekend in...

Dr. Szu-Han Kay Chen

Faculty member receives award

Szu-Han Kay Chen, assistant professor in the Department of Communication Disorders and Sciences at Fredonia, received the 2019 Advancing Academic-Research Careers (AARC) Award from the...