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Dr. David Starrett

President Stephen H. Kolison Jr. announces appointment of Dr. David A. Starrett as Executive Vice President and Provost

I am excited to announce the appointment of Dr. David A. Starrett as SUNY Fredonia’s new Executive Vice President and Provost, effective August 15, 2021...

a scene from a research expo on campus for students

Student OSCAR expo presentations can be viewed digitally

The coronavirus pandemic didn’t keep over 30 students from developing poster presentations, research papers and other projects to be showcased virtually at Fredonia’s 23rd annual...

students and director standing on opera house steps

Business students’ report offers ideas for strategic plan of opera house

The process of updating the strategic plan of the 1891 Fredonia Opera House Performing Arts Center will benefit from research and recommendations that Fredonia Business...

student congratulated by president

Fredonia 2021 graduates savor in-person Commencement ‘stage walks’

It was staged in a different venue without packed crowds that the coronavirus had eliminated from in-person events everywhere, but that didn’t deter SUNY Fredonia...

student working in a biology lab

Students set to resume summer research work with faculty

Summer research is returning, with seven undergraduate and graduate students scheduled to gain valuable experience working alongside Biology faculty, thanks to funding provided by the...

photo of a journal

Writing courses take center stage in reimagined minors

The Department of English and Registrar's Office have created a new prefix for all writing courses: WRTG. The department has also revised its Creative Writing...

group of students and faculty member

Students assist local humane society with fundraiser

The service learners of the Fredonia Section of the American Society for Quality (ASQ) developed and executed a virtual run/walk fundraiser in April for the...

students present at in-person research conference

Fredonia students participate in virtual research conference

The SUNY Undergraduate Research Conference (SURC) was held virtually on April 16, hosted by SUNY Old Westbury. Once again, Fredonia was well represented at the...

Tyler Walsh and Eric Najewsk

Student Business Competition winners named by Fredonia Technology Incubator

The Fredonia Technology Incubator conducted the final pitches of its Sixth Annual Student Business Competition on April 26, and after careful deliberation, a panel of...

person in white physicians jacket

Science students enroll at health professions, graduate schools

Health profession schools, doctoral programs and research are among the varied destinations of 19 students who are graduating or have recently graduated with science degrees...