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Correction and Kudos

Distinguished Teaching Professor Emeritus Kevin Fox was quick to reach out to us after receiving the Fall 2014 issue of the Statement.

Robert Jordan Studio Reunion

As part of the Robert Jordan Piano Scholarship and Distinguished Lectureship, Professor Emeritus Jordan will return to campus to offer master classes and a recital...

Career Corner: In search of work-life balance

In today’s busy world, prioritizing between your work and personal lives can be a huge challenge. Studies show that a poor work-life balance can result...

Dear Alumni and Friends - A letter from President Horvath

As the snow settles on the start of 2015 in Fredonia, we are reminded of all the ways that our university makes a difference in...


Guest speaker to explore Intelligent Design

Dr. Paul Nelson, an evolutionary biologist and a leading proponent of the Intelligent Design movement, will present a lecture, “Intelligent Design & the Tree of...


Psychology major in NASA/NIA competition

Junior Elizabeth Mastro is taking a path seldom traveled in engineering circles by students from other fields of study. She’s a junior Psychology major engaging...

Arts and Sciences Brown Bag Lecture on ‘Living with Stress’

The Arts and Sciences Brown Bag Lecture “Living with Stress” will explore healthy ways of dealing with stress as well as some of its positive...

Pi Mu Epsilon chapter to host talk by past national president

Fredonia’s Pi Mu Epsilon chapter, New York Pi, will host Dr. Paul Fishback, past president of the national mathematics honor society, who will give the...

Accountanting Firm

Career Development Office to host Job and Internship Expo March 10

Fredonia’s Career Development Office (CDO) will host its annual Job and Internship Expo on Tuesday, March 10, from 2 to 5 p.m. in the Multipurpose...


How literature deals with trauma focus of grad student symposium

Four graduate English students -- Naomi Coufal, Leslie Cairns, Abigail Griffin and Jill Durland – will conduct a symposium on trauma, which has emerged as...